Your Photos (2017-2024)

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Fascinating,simple flowers, beauty and wonder of Nature...around the city...
I am so bad at getting jokes.
First issue, lady on far left is going against the flow. So waking up the wrong side
2nd issue... up and down, lets just not go there, but enough to say we don't walk vertically...
3rd issue, solid lines are not meant to be crossed (if you apply driving laws), so how does someone access the shops on the other side of the street? In most countries, you'd need to have a dotted section that you're legally allowed to cross at, say for turning left/right depending on which side you drive on...
4th issue, how is it policed?

Do you need me to continue :D ?

BTW, that's in Denmark.
BTW, that's in Denmark.
Oh boy oh boy, how did all that happen??
Thank you for taking the time to educate me...
It is difficult enough with everyone ignoring and violating the existing traffic laws. Let alone twisted traffic signs and wrong applications of unclear laws...oh my oh my...
IMpossible the authorities did not see it?
I mean, they are not in the traffic dark like me😅
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