Your Photos (2017-2024)

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Fresh Oysters right off a tiny fishing boat @ 8.00 Euros or $ 8.00 a Kilo at the Vieux Port of Marseille, France ..
Photo Copyright: Francesca Guillamet ..


Thank you.

The mural was done by one of my son´s wives for her tiny Crèperie and of course, the Oysters were purchased at the Old Port of Marseille, Vieux Port and hauled back on our family boat ..

They were 8.00 Euros a kilo, so we bought all from the daily catch in addition to fresh mussels which were 3.00 Euros a Kilo ..

The oysters were eaten en route back to Cadaquès on the half Shell and the mussels were stored on ice in an ice chest ..

Have a great day ..
I've been going through boxes in the garage, trying to clean up a bit and found some old pictures in one.

The best advice that I can give young people is don't get old. I forgot that I was young and strong, once, carrying 150 lb trees for firewood like they were twigs.


Quite an uncanny Gull ..

He was studying us, to see if we were fishing or carrying any goodies , as we were passing him by, ..

Have a nice day & Thank you ..
I reminds me of a photo I took many, many years ago of a seagull pacing up and down next to my cousin who was eating a sandwich at the time. And yes, the seagull did pinch it - he was too big to argue with
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