Your Photos (2017-2024)

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I sure did! I grew it out to donate to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. They use the hair to make wigs for women who experience hair loss from cancer treatments. A friend of mine had been diagnosed with breast cancer

What a great thing to do but so sad about your friend. My year of earrings was also for charity. I got people to sponsor it and donated the money to Guide Dogs for the Blind in memory of my Mum (who went blind before I was even born).
Me without shades :)

Our front 'lawn' is mostly moss - an excellent plant - it's green, requires no mowing and is tougher than grass - what's not to like :thumbsup:
We have a high clover count in our back yard. I'm seriously considering getting clover seeds to introduce into the front lawn in hopes they take over.

Many yards around by us are overtaken by crab grass, a most persistent weed that grows like crazy, fills in any bare patch, and stays green through the hottest parts of summer. I always felt that it got the short end of things - with a better publicist, it probably could have beat out grass for the preferred lawn.
Very Italian! Lovely big brown eyes. :)

:) thank you Dear. This pic doesn't give to my eyes the right light....they are between dark green and brown, depends on the light. In the early morning they are green, in the evening brown.I have a very clear skin with a lot of freckles.
In my paternal family they all have blue or grey eyes ( my dad has so) and clear skin. Paternal grandma had red hair. Maternal family all black/brown eyes and skin. I'm a mix.
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