Your Photos (2017-2024)

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Another Morning Glory in the window box with more to follow, judging by the buds:

The flowers on the shorts a few pages back are hibicus tho i have never seen one that blue. Here is mine:

The flowers on the shorts a few pages back are hibicus tho i have never seen one that blue. Here is mine:

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Which blue flowers do you mean? Surely not my Morning Glory (Ipomoea) which are most definitely not Hibiscus.


I have a Hibiscus in my garden which flowered last year in the Autumn. This year there is no sign of any buds at all. :mad: The flowers were the same colour as your Hibiscus.
Yes, it's on the shorts, haven't a clue what sort of flowers they are.

Which blue flowers do you mean? Surely not my Morning Glory (Ipomoea) which are most definitely not Hibiscus.

The blue flower on the shorts about 3 pages back some wanted to know what kind of flowers they were. So i belatedly answer they were hibiscus.

Hibiscus come in many colors...i have pinks and orange but i've also had in the past red, peach and yellow in the past. There is a dusky purple i would love to have but it is an expensive hybrid.
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The blue flower on the shorts about 3 pages back some wanted to know what kind of flowers they were. So i belatedly answer they were hibiscus.

Hibiscus come in many colors...i have pinks and orange but i've also had in the past red, peach and yellow in the past. There is a dusky purple i would love to have but it is an expensive hybrid.

Oh, OK! I thought they were Morning Glorys on the shorts but you are probably correct.
Last year a rabbit ate half of my tequila sunrise hibiscus that i had just planted and this year it died from unknown causes. Thses fancy hybrid hibiscus seem more susceptible to thing than the traditional ones.
I closed the shutters at the NW end of my house late yesterday afternoon and found this little guy hiding behind one of them.

I don't know what type of bat he/she is. Maybe I'll research him (or her) later. He (or she) had flown away within the hour and hopefully has found a new place to kip in the daytime.

Bat 30092018 cropped.jpg
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