cb challenge winning recipes

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  1. Morning Glory

    Recipe Chicken and Parma Ham Ballotines

    Photographed yesterday in natural light. If the word Ballotine terrifies you, then join the club. Until recently I thought it was something far too difficult. It turns out to be one of those things that is easier to do than to explain. But explain it I will! Ballotine is a fancy name for a...
  2. cupcakechef

    Recipe Porkkanalaatikko - Finnish Carrot Casserole

    Porkkanalaatiko You could say this is the Finnish equivalent of an American Sweet Potato Casserole that a lot of us have around Thanksgiving! 2 Cups Rice 2 Cups Milk (or cream) 1kg Medium Carrots, shredded 1/2 Teaspoon Salt 1 Tablespoon dark brown sugar (you can use honey or molasses instead...
  3. C

    Recipe Vegan Heartache Cake (Chocolate Eggplant Torte)

    Ingredients 1 1-lb eggplant 150 grams dark chocolate 1 banana ⅓ cup(5.551 161 230 9 ounce) maple syrup ¼ cup(2.081 685 461 6 ounce ) good quality raw cacao powder ½ cup(4.081 685 461 6 ounce) almond flour 2 tsp cream of tarter 1 tsp baking soda ¼ tsp salt Coconut oil, for greasing pans Dark...
  4. Morning Glory

    Recipe Leek, potato and saffron soup

    I made this last night to use up some elderly leeks. Originally I was just going to make a basic leek & potato soup - but then I thought why not jazz it up a bit. Hmm... saffron perhaps... oh, and some basil oil drizzled over the top. Ingredients: 2 large leeks (chopped into rings) 2...
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