
  1. Morning Glory

    Recipe Marinated Roasted Sweet Peppers

    This is a great way to turn sweet peppers into a gourmet ingredient. Serve the peppers as part of a mixed starter, tapas or mezze. Ingredients 3 Romano peppers (you could use bell peppers or a mix of both) 1 tsp red peppercorns (optional) Fresh herbs (optional) 100ml white wine vinegar 4 tsp...
  2. Elawin

    Recipe Dark and Spiced Cucumber Pickle

    Ingredients: 2 mini cucumbers, deseeded and sliced thinly Sea salt 1 small onion, finely sliced 100 ml cider vinegar 70 g soft brown sugar 1 tsp mustard seeds 1/2 tsp nigella seeds 1/2 tsp coriander seeds 2 whole cloves 1 bay leaf 1/4 tsp turmeric Method: 1. Season the cucumber with a...
  3. Elawin

    Recipe Light and Fast Cucumber Pickle

    Delicious, and ideal if you've run out of pickle :laugh: Ingredients: 100 ml cider vinegar 70 g granulated sugar 3 mint leaves 2 mini cucumbers, deseeded and sliced Salt Small handful of dill Method: 1. Dissolve the sugar in the vinegar over a low heat. 2. Allow to cool with the mint leaves...
  4. Elawin

    Recipe Apple Chutney

    This a recipe for chutney that I originally made in a pressure cooker, so I have given cooking instructions for that and traditional stove top cooking as well. I last made a batch of this chutney in 2011 and have literally got down to the last two teaspoons of it! It has kept beautifully...
  5. The Late Night Gourmet

    Recipe Curried Pickled Red Onions

    This was a happy accident. I have pickled red onions on-hand at any given time, but I generally like to deviate from the standard onion-vinegar-sugar-salt format each time. I've been using rosemary lately, but I ran out of that, so I decided to throw in some parsley. Then, since I felt myself...
  6. The Late Night Gourmet

    Recipe Mango Pomegranate Chutney

    Just about any fruits can be put into a chutney. Mango is fairly standard, but I really had a revelation when I decided to try pomegranate. The bitterness of the seeds plays well with the other elements of the chutney, and makes good foil to the sweetness of the mango. The color of this chutney...
  7. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Rhubarb and Date Chutney

    If rhubarb wasn't so expensive here (this recipe requires AUD $16 of rhubarb at present) I would be making this in an instant. but as it is, I can only dream until my rhubarb has established itself and I think it is going to need a new home for it to do that. but careful observation had shown...
  8. Yorky

    Recipe Lime Pickle

    Some time ago we were given a large bag full of limes so I decided upon my first attempt at making lime pickle. This is it: Ingredients 12 whole fresh limes 3 tablespoons lime juice 1 tablespoon sea salt 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 teaspoons black mustard seeds 8 garlic cloves, crushed 2...
  9. Morning Glory

    Recipe Apricot and Chilli Pickle

    This pickle is very easy and speedy to make and turns out a gorgeous golden yellow colour. I like spicy hot pickle so I used a whole Scotch Bonnet, but you could always use less chilli if you wish. I made a very small quantity to use up some left over apricots but you can scale up the recipe to...
  10. Bakemehappy

    Any Good Use For Pickle Juice?

    Do you use pickle juice in you cooking or do you just discard it like I do? I think there are some good use to it mind sharing your ideas on how to use the juice? What kind of dishes or recipes can you use it with?
  11. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Caramelised Carrot Chutney

    Firstly, caramelising onions takes time: so do caramelised carrots. It can't be done in 10 minutes, or 15, or even 20 minutes. You need time. So this recipe takes time. Carrots, like onions take time, but if you really want some nice Caramelised Carrot Chutney you will take the time out that...
  12. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Southern Indian Pickled Aubergine

    Southern Indian Pickled Aubergine I rather liked the picture for this aubergine pickle, though have to say I had some reservations about the cooking, so have re-written them avoiding adding cold vinegar to hot oil! Otherwise the recipe looks interesting and the green and yellow of the picture...
  13. MandyMarieB

    Recipe Subway's Sweet Onion sauce

    So I'm a HUGE fan of Subway's Sweet Onion sauce (especially on a Chicken Teriyaki sandwich!) and I've experimented in the past with trying to replicate it at home, to poor results. I was curious to see if anyone else had tried as well, and perhaps had more success than I? Still looking for a...
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