
Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood, and the flesh of any other animal), and may also include abstention from by-products of animals processed for food.Vegetarianism may be adopted for various reasons. Many people object to eating meat out of respect for sentient life. Such ethical motivations have been codified under various religious beliefs, as well as animal rights advocacy. Other motivations for vegetarianism are health-related, political, environmental, cultural, aesthetic, economic, or personal preference. There are variations of the diet as well: an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet includes both eggs and dairy products, an ovo-vegetarian diet includes eggs but not dairy products, and a lacto-vegetarian diet includes dairy products but not eggs. A strict vegetarian diet – referred to as vegan – excludes all animal products, including eggs and dairy. Avoidance of animal products may require dietary supplements to prevent deficiencies such as vitamin B12 deficiency, which leads to pernicious anemia.Packaged and processed foods, such as cakes, cookies, candies, chocolate, yogurt, and marshmallows, often contain unfamiliar animal ingredients, and so may be a special concern for vegetarians due to the likelihood of such additives. Feelings among vegetarians may vary concerning these ingredients. Some vegetarians scrutinize product labels for animal-derived ingredients while others do not object to consuming cheese made with animal-derived rennet. Some vegetarians are unaware of animal-derived rennet being used in the production of cheese.Semi-vegetarian diets consist largely of vegetarian foods but may include fish or poultry, or sometimes other meats, on an infrequent basis. Those with diets containing fish or poultry may define meat only as mammalian flesh and may identify with vegetarianism. A pescetarian diet has been described as "fish but no other meat". The common-use association between such diets and vegetarianism has led vegetarian groups such as the Vegetarian Society to state that diets containing these ingredients are not vegetarian, because fish and birds are also animals.

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  1. MypinchofItaly

    Recipe Minestrone – Italian Vegetable Soup

    Serves 4, Preparation time 20 mins, Cooking time 1 hour and half 1 clove of garlic 2 medium-large onions 1 celery stalk 2 carrots 2 medium yellow potatoes 100 g Cannellini or Borlotti beans – dried or tinned 2 tomatoes, better if a bit ripe 100 g fresh – or frozen peas 2 courgettes 1 Bay leaf...
  2. Morning Glory

    Recipe Spicy Roasted Pepper Shakshuka with Green Olives

    There are several versions of eggs cooked in spicy tomato sauce around the world. For example: Italian 'Eggs in Purgatory', Mexican 'Ranch Eggs (Huavos Ranchos)' and Middle Eastern 'Shakshuka'. In this version, tangy and savoury green olives work perfectly with the hot spicy sauce and silky...
  3. rascal

    Dhal Dahl daal, whatever you call it

    I'm looking for a tried and true recipe for something like a channa dhal especially the spice mix that goes in at the end. We used to have an Indian joint here that made the best ever. It never opened up again after the earthquakes here. I've tried a few from the net but nothing I like...
  4. Mountain Cat

    Recipe South Indian Egg Curry, with Veggies and Coconut

    (Serve over rice, garnish with cilantro if available or desired. ) South Indian Egg Curry, with Veggies and Coconut Prep Time: 30 minutes, more or less. (excluding egg boiling and eggplant resting) Cook Time: About 30 minutes. Rest Time: Unnecessary. Serves: 4. Cuisine: South Indian...
  5. Morning Glory

    Recipe Black Beans in Brown Ale

    I usually cook black beans in a spicy Mexican style sauce but wanted to try something different. Slow cooked beef in brown ale is a traditional British way to cook beef and here and I set about trying to re-create something of that deep and dark savoury taste in a vegan bean dish. Juniper and...
  6. Morning Glory

    Recipe Curried Beans with Black Stone Flower

    You could use any sort of beans you wish for this dish, although I think larger, meatier beans work best. Stone Flower is a common name for a kind of lichen which is used in Indian cookery. I first came across it in an episode of Rick Stein’s India (book from series here). He had never seen it...
  7. Mountain Cat

    Recipe Revithosoupa: Greek Chickpea Soup, Vegetarian

    It really tastes a LOT better than the ingredients sound, because this all plays well together. (I mean, it "seems" bland, but really is not.) Soup’s On! I made mild adaptations to the following recipe (namely, the addition of celery, and the halving of the recipe. I also omitted the bay...
  8. F

    Vegan junk food...

    Hey guys! I’m new to this forum. Me and my wife have a Youtube channel called ‘FourBetween’. We’re both professional dancers and have recently become vegetarian and working on becoming vegan.
  9. Mountain Cat

    Recipe Gluten-Free Buckwheat Pancakes

    Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) is related to rhubarb, and comes from the plant’s seeds, and so isn’t a true grain. It contains eight essential amino acids, and, depending on your source, comes in a sizable amount of total protein. It contains more fiber than oatmeal per serving, and some...
  10. Mountain Cat

    Recipe Indian Uttapam Pancakes

    They’d be great to bring to a brunch where you’d cook up the pre-made batter and toppings on-site. Which I once did. Three savory mini uttapam breakfast pancakes What is unique about these pancakes is that they are made from a rice and a urad dal base. Urad dal is a light-colored lentil...
  11. Morning Glory

    Recipe Flageolet Vert & Radicchio ‘Bel Fiori’ Salad with Vegan Aioli

    Beautiful Bel Fiori radicchio adds a splash of drama to this salad but you could use any radicchio leaves you wish. The slight bitterness of the radicchio contrasts well with the creamy mild beans. The vegan aioli is made with the liquid from a can of black beans. I love the pinky-mauve colour...
  12. rascal

    Mash spud

    Plain old mashed potatoes, my mum used to boil the guts out of potatoes and add milk and mash, I've come a long way from hers. I don't know if you go as far as putting it through a sieve? I just boil spuds until tender,drain and put back on ring to get the last of the water out. Then I add...
  13. Morning Glory

    Recipe Scalloped Potatoes with Saffron & Ricotta (low calorie)

    This is a great way to make a low fat potato bake. Its an easy recipe to assemble but you do need to allow at least an hour for the potatoes to cook through in the oven. This quantity is enough to fill a small baking dish or tin (approx. .5 litres/1 pt capacity). There are approximately 150...
  14. Mountain Cat

    Recipe Vegetarian Tex-Mex Style Stuffed Peppers with Black Beans - Gluten-free, Grain-Free

    I debated on whether to use an Indian or a Mexican spice profile for this stuffed pepper recipe. If I try lentils in some shape or form in the future instead of black beans, I think I'll go Indian. Black beans surely say "Mexican" or "Tex-Mex" as the profile flavor. Onions and garlic also...
  15. detroitdad

    Recipe Mushroom and Spinach Lasagna

    This is not my recipe. I pulled it from Simply Recipes Food and Cooking Blog I didn't change up too much from the recipe. I also didn't use precise measurements. I used dried basil vs fresh basil. I have a smaller pan. I used a few noodles fewer than what they called for. Otherwise the dish...
  16. Mountain Cat

    Recipe Vegetarian Ethiopian Black Eyed Pea Stew

    I adapted a dish originally made by the chef Marcus Samuelsson. My changes (in addition to downsizing a bit as 8-10 servings for one person would be overkill) were using a serrano pepper instead of habanaro (it’s what the supermarket had), and using veggie broth instead of chicken stock...
  17. medtran49

    Recipe Honey chipotle red bell pepper sauce

    We have used this in the past as a sauce for fajitas, mushroom and beef, but I'm sure it would be good on a bunch of other dishes as well. 2 red bell peppers, roasted, peeled, seeded, and coarsely chopped 3 tblsp chopped red onion 2 tsp chiptole puree (whole peppers in adobo in can and chop...
  18. medtran49

    Tom Kerridge's spicy Mexican burger

    This recipe/article popped up on my news feed on my tablet just now. It looks like it might be pretty tasty so thought I would post thd link in case anybody wants to try it.
  19. Mountain Cat

    Recipe A Tabbouleh Recipe

    This was made here mid-autumn 2018. I had an overabundance of parsley in my herb garden. I mean a serious SERIOUS over abundance. What could I do? Tabbouleh. Since this was the end here for locally grown heirloom tomatoes, I used those instead of supermarket roma tomatoes, but the...
  20. Morning Glory

    Recipe Palak Paneer (Spinach with Paneer)

    Mild, creamy and comforting, this Indian style dish is packed with healthy green goodness. Please note that this isn't a traditional recipe but of my own devising after trial and error. Its important to use bright green baby spinach leaves here to achieve the vibrant colour. You can use the...
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