
Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood, and the flesh of any other animal), and may also include abstention from by-products of animals processed for food.Vegetarianism may be adopted for various reasons. Many people object to eating meat out of respect for sentient life. Such ethical motivations have been codified under various religious beliefs, as well as animal rights advocacy. Other motivations for vegetarianism are health-related, political, environmental, cultural, aesthetic, economic, or personal preference. There are variations of the diet as well: an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet includes both eggs and dairy products, an ovo-vegetarian diet includes eggs but not dairy products, and a lacto-vegetarian diet includes dairy products but not eggs. A strict vegetarian diet – referred to as vegan – excludes all animal products, including eggs and dairy. Avoidance of animal products may require dietary supplements to prevent deficiencies such as vitamin B12 deficiency, which leads to pernicious anemia.Packaged and processed foods, such as cakes, cookies, candies, chocolate, yogurt, and marshmallows, often contain unfamiliar animal ingredients, and so may be a special concern for vegetarians due to the likelihood of such additives. Feelings among vegetarians may vary concerning these ingredients. Some vegetarians scrutinize product labels for animal-derived ingredients while others do not object to consuming cheese made with animal-derived rennet. Some vegetarians are unaware of animal-derived rennet being used in the production of cheese.Semi-vegetarian diets consist largely of vegetarian foods but may include fish or poultry, or sometimes other meats, on an infrequent basis. Those with diets containing fish or poultry may define meat only as mammalian flesh and may identify with vegetarianism. A pescetarian diet has been described as "fish but no other meat". The common-use association between such diets and vegetarianism has led vegetarian groups such as the Vegetarian Society to state that diets containing these ingredients are not vegetarian, because fish and birds are also animals.

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  1. Hemulen

    Recipe Caramelized pears

    I thought of making oven-baked pears but didn't bother. This kettle-cooked version turned up to be delicious. Time: 20-30 min Serves four Ingredients 8 small slightly raw pears 1 l water 1-2 dl brown sugar (Indian sugar) 0,5 tbsp ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar/vanilla extract 2-3...
  2. Hungry Man

    Recipe & Video Falafel Recipe

    My favorite falafel recipe. Ingredients listed below, hope you enjoy... View: Ingredients: 2 cups (200g) dried chickpeas 1/2 onion 3 cloves of garlic 1/2 bunch Parsley 1/4 bunch Cilantro 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp black pepper 1/2 tsp cumin 1/2 tsp...
  3. Morning Glory

    Recipe Lentils with Spinach, Tahini and Pomegranate Molasses

    This dish is somewhat inspired by a Palestinian dish called Rummaniyeh ( a stew of lentils with aubergine and pomegranate). Sometimes Rummaniyeh is served with a tahini and yoghurt dressing. Here I used tahini in the stew, to add a creaminess to the lentils which contrasts well with the sour...
  4. Hemulen

    Recipe Fagiolini e parmigiano; green beans with cheese

    Simple is beautiful. It is harvest time for haricot verts (at least in Finland). Yum Yum. Photo: Usine de haricots verts Photo stock libre - Public Domain Pictures The following recipe was inspired by my home grown beans (Phaseolus vulgaris 'Nautica'), my love and grief for Italy in the...
  5. Hemulen

    Recipe Nut and mushroom lasagne recipe

    Hi! I´m a meat eater but I like vegetarian dishes. A recent visit to a pig farm was literally appalling so I guess the only pork I´ll eat in the future is Christmas ham. We tend to have minced beef in the fridge way too often so I tried the following self-made vegetarian lasagne recipe today...
  6. pinkcherrychef

    Lacto Fermenting chick peas and other beans?

    Hello everyone, I want to lacto ferment beans. My main bean is chick peas but I would like to do others as well. I've lacto fermented vegetables before, but beans are a bit different. I tried fermenting some white beans before, but that turned into a failure. Has anyone lacto fermented beans...
  7. pinkcherrychef

    Soybean substitute?

    Hello everyone, I hope everyone is well and being safe during these difficult times. I was wondering if anyone knew of a bean that taste exactly,or almost like a soybean. I want to be able make milk and tofu from it. They do sell soybeans here in Egypt, but I want a healthier option. I...
  8. LissaC

    Help with homemade vegetable yogurt

    I love vegetable yogurt but in my country they're very expensive. So I decided to get myself a yogurt maker and try to make my own. I lost count of the vegetable yogurts I cooked in the last two weeks. But I didn't lose count of the homemade vegetable yogurts I My first two batches...
  9. rascal

    Potatoes glut??

    News here is saying Europe has a potato glut and will be flooding Australia and New Zealand. I'm talking dirt cheap compared to local growers.,I buy mine from a potato farmer and it's an honesty box. We had fries last night, the wife said there's frozen in the freezer, I said I'm doing my own...
  10. medtran49

    Recipe Basil, oven dried tomato pesto

    Basil/oven dried tomato pesto This can be used any way you would normally use pesto. It just adds the delicious umami of my oven dried tomatoes. INGREDIENTS: 8 cups loosely packed fresh basil, torn into medium sized pieces, divided 3/4 cup nuts, toasted, cooled (see notes) 2/3 cup grated...
  11. medtran49

    Recipe Basil gnocchi with cherry heirloom tomato sauce

    Basil gnocchi with cherry heirloom tomato sauce 2-3 servings depending on who's eating We really liked this. I have to say I was a little worried about adding fresh basil to gnocchi dough, was afraid it would add moisture with the need for more flour, but, nope. In fact, these were some of...
  12. Morning Glory

    Recipe Vegan Cauliflower Cheese

    The vegan cheese sauce here could be used in plenty of other dishes too. Its the best faux cheese sauce I've come up with after a lot of experimenting. I made a basic Béchamel, with oil in place of butter, and plant milk in place of dairy milk. I made it slightly thicker than normal as there is...
  13. TodayInTheKitchen

    Recipe Vegan Grilled Sausage on Tomatoes and Corn

    Vegan Grilled Sausage on Tomatoes and Corn "Grilling" almost always includes some type of meat. Vegetarians are often left on the sidelines when it comes to cooking food on the grill. WELL, NO MORE. Ingredients 1 package of Beyond Meat sausage 2 cans of tomatoes (diced) 2 cans of corn 2 tbsp...
  14. Morning Glory

    Recipe Involtini with Sweetcorn & Cheddar

    I think I'm safe in saying that this is a unique recipe. I searched and couldn't find any other involtini using this combination of ingredients. It was improvisation really - I had an aubergine that needed using up and corn happened to be the recipe challenge ingredient. I enjoy making involtini...
  15. medtran49

    Recipe Corn soup with corny hushpuppies

    We haven't made this in almost 12 years and I don't know why because we saved the newspaper page it was on so we must have liked it. I guess it got lost in our never ending experiments with new recipes. I found it when looking for the Chipotle chicken recipe for JASOH1 , so thanks for asking...
  16. R

    Can someone please help me figure out this sauce for hummus?

    So I was watching a video about this guy eating street frood. He got a pita with hummus, vegetables, oil & some kind of white sauce. It was all dripping down his hand & looked so good. I haven't been able to find that sauce. One person told me to try tzatziki but it had dill in it & tasted weird...
  17. detroitdad

    "Thugs" Vegetarian Crispy Spaghetti Pie

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  18. C

    Recipe Cuban Black Bean Soup with Rice

    Cuban Black Bean Soup with Rice Whenever I visited family in Puerto Rico back in the 80s, we would always have one dinner at El Cid, a Cuban restaurant. It always started with Black Bean Soup with rice. Here's mine... 2-15.5 OZ cans of black beans (or cook your own from dry beans, if you want)...
  19. Mountain Cat

    Recipe Grilled Cheese with Asparagus & Ramps in Soft Corn Tortillas

    Grilled cheese corn tortilla (instead of toast), with asparagus and ramps inside. You can see them peaking out! What are ramps? Ramps are not just a way into a venue, that you need to climb, descend, or use roller skates for. They are veggies in the allium family. Their scientific name is...
  20. medtran49

    Recipe Tres quesos (3 cheese) stuffed eggplant with salsa escalivada and garlic allioli

    Recipe courtesy of Chef Norman Van Aken. Adapted to a more traditional cooking method, charcoal/wood burning oven/grill. Makes 4 appetizer/tapas servings or 2 main course. Can be doubled easily. 1 cup Salsa Escalivada (recipe below) Roasted garlic allioli (recipe below) 1 large eggplant cut...
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