Grandma Axe Handle (the you don't let the kids read or watch Harry Potter do you? Grandma) decided she wanted to switch to Apple PC.
It was three months of hell her getting the hang of it.
As strange as it seems finally there was a girl standing on a corner with a sign saying "Apple PC tutor."
Grandma Axe Handle hired her and it all turned around. She touts Apple like a cure for cancer.
I took the Apple Store Final Cut video editing seminar. First class started out with 23 people. Within 30 minutes the class was down to 2 and within 35 minutes I left the class and it was down to 1.
Amazingly complicated but our 10 year old grasped it and rolled with it immediately.
As user unfriendly as I've ever encountered but if you have a head for it a fantastic program.
Final Cut Pro was/is the industry standard. But, it is not easy.