Apple v. Android

Solid state and HiFi are two common terms from the 50’s and early 60’s that have come back into today’s conversation.
Apple has, since forever, carefully controlled any applications with the Apple logo 'seal of approval'
one of the reasons the DOS/PC world exploded and buried Apple is: DOS was an open system - anyone could write programs/applications that ran in DOS (later Windows)

some worked (well) - others excelled in disappointment....

all of the (expensive ) (limited) Apple software generally worked well.
in the DOS/PC wild west world, aaahhhh sheetz, not all of it worked well.....

except that most of the wild west PC stuff is more 'worthy' _none_ of the above has changed.
any software with the Apple logo of "ok" still works 'as advertised'

the result being:
open sourced anything software/applications for Android may or may not be "real"/effective/good....
note however the Apple draconian 'evals" of any particular software/apps can/do exclude free-market "stuff"

so it's one if by land, two if by sea, and the apps are coming by (undefined) air . . .
Apple has, since forever, carefully controlled any applications with the Apple logo 'seal of approval'
one of the reasons the DOS/PC world exploded and buried Apple is: DOS was an open system - anyone could write programs/applications that ran in DOS (later Windows)

some worked (well) - others excelled in disappointment....

all of the (expensive ) (limited) Apple software generally worked well.
in the DOS/PC wild west world, aaahhhh sheetz, not all of it worked well.....

except that most of the wild west PC stuff is more 'worthy' _none_ of the above has changed.
any software with the Apple logo of "ok" still works 'as advertised'

the result being:
open sourced anything software/applications for Android may or may not be "real"/effective/good....
note however the Apple draconian 'evals" of any particular software/apps can/do exclude free-market "stuff"

so it's one if by land, two if by sea, and the apps are coming by (undefined) air . . .

I was Marketing Director for a software company. We sold DOS/Windoze products. In product development and support, they had every brand of PC you could buy, so they could test the software on all of them, and when the inevitable bugs came up after release, they could replicate the problem on the same PC that the customer had (except for the home-built PCs).

Apple's position was that ONLY Apple could make Macintosh computers, and software developers had to follow very strict user interface rules. That way, you were developing software for ONE computer architecture, and ONE operating system.

BTW, our marketing department was an in-house ad agency, and our department alone used Apple computers.

Just been talking to telecom provider, they offered me a s10 plus. I need to go into their shop in Riccarton mall. New phone for $500 ?.
I need to compare with Vodafone. ?
They both do Samsung.

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