Are you an artist? Or are you a scientist?

I love some of the ideas for journals they put on Pinterest. I would love to have a go, but I can't even manage to keep an appointments diary .....
@morning glory

I am working on one that is in bits and pieces. Not an original idea. A twist on art journals created by Jennibellie. She creates art journals - Journals for artist. I am using tips, tricks and twist to create a travel journal. Room for notes, photos, tickets, receipts, postcards - memorabilia from a trip. The cover is a cereal box. Each signature is bound in a cover from old file folders. Many different techniques, finger paint, decoupage, bits of old jewelry and ribbon, bit and pieces of decorative craft paper, scraps of fabric, buttons made from cardboard and tissue paper, paper beads, home made stencils and store bought same with stamps. A lot of craziness that hopefully will be a cohesive travel journal.

Query Jennibellie journals on You Tube. She has many tutorials. I took ideas from several. She does very good tutorials. I frequently get frustrated with craft tutorials - not hers. I learned how to make paper beads from her tutorial.

I started working on one for my middle sister. She was planning a trip to the British Isles. Unfortunately her van died and she has to replace it - a very expensive investment - her van requires lots of modifications to accommodate my niece's wheel chair. Anyway she had to ditch her travel plans.

My Niece her Hubby are planning a trip to Dubai in February so I am working on a journal that I hope to have ready for Christmas. My youngest Sister and Hubby are considering a trip to South Africa later in 2018. I will get cracking on a journal for them as soon as they nail down their destination.

I need to check with my brothers to see if they have travel plans for 2018.
@ElizabethB So really a journal is a posh, modern version of what we used to call a scrapbook? (Don't be offended!) I couldn't even make one of those. My daughter did as a young child and I took it over when she left home, but it is languishing in a box somewhere in the spare room.
@Elawin - I think scrapbooks were probably the original inspiration. Jennibellie's journals are definitely "posh". I am not that talented in the drawing/painting department. That's why I am making travel journals instead of art journals. Take a look at her tutorials and you will see what I mean.
@Elawin - I think scrapbooks were probably the original inspiration. Jennibellie's journals are definitely "posh". I am not that talented in the drawing/painting department. That's why I am making travel journals instead of art journals. Take a look at her tutorials and you will see what I mean.
I'll have a look in the morning. It's been a long day, and I'm very tired now (It's nearly midnight in the UK)
OOOPS! I forget about the time difference.
I did have a very quick look earlier, but it was a very quick look. It opens at something that is a bit loud, so maybe I'll have a look during day-time. I didn't wake up until midday and have therefore been rather busy. Shall we just say I slept in today :giggle:
Which do you prefer doing? Or are you equally comfortable with both cooking and baking?

In response to the title of this thread, I am both artist and scientist - scientist and Engineer by degree and artist by passion and conscience. There's a lot more to me that that - for sure, too much to expound upon here. I'm very analytic and problem solving with great flexibility to go far beyond step by step recipes, both in food prep and life. I often break the rules, but without being criminal about it. I evolve daily and don't allow myself to get stuck in the mud of dogma and restrictions. :cool: I see through people often and try not to show it as it frightens them. I also get kind of wordy.

Anyway, I cook more than I bake. I stay low on granulated sugars and avoid fixing up those things that require them. Those show up more in baking. To that extent, I don't buy much in the way of baked goods, except breads and the occasional treats.
I am both artist and scientist - scientist and Engineer by degree and artist by passion and conscience. There's a lot more to me that that - for sure, too much to expound upon here. I'm very analytic and problem solving with great flexibility to go far beyond step by step recipes, both in food prep and life. I often break the rules, but without being criminal about it. I evolve daily and don't allow myself to get stuck in the mud of dogma and restrictions. :cool: I see through people often and try not to show it as it frightens them. I also get kind of wordy.

Very thoughtful. As for wordy - HMMM - I think I may be guilty. :laugh:
I was going to start a thread about this topic, but one already exists, so I dredged it up.

While the initial premise is certainly spot-on - you do need precision when baking, whereas things can be more freeform when not baking - I think it goes deeper than that. The Science happens in how ingredients combine. I'm reminded again of Nicky Signet's excellent Flavor Thesaurus, where she provides pairings for a slew of ingredients. The pairings can be seen as Science, since I see the way flavors work together as a chemical reaction. This, I think, is why some things work so well, and some don't. But, some might think of this as Art, since some creativity is involved in finding the right balance of ingredients.

Here's an amusing read that shows flavor combinations that seem weird, but still work together. This is a nutella and grilled cheese sandwich:


Yeah, I know....I'm scared, too, but apparently it works for some reason! I have to believe that many of these flavor combinations were developed when people were indulging in smoking "herbal remedies". :laugh:
The Late Night Gourmet
Thanks for reviving this thread. I have not read through my previous post, forgive me if I repeat myself. I consider baking more of a science than an art unless you express yourself in amazing decorations. I bake a little, simple things like brownies, cookies and for special occasions an everything lemon, lemon cake. I much prefer savory cooking. I research recipes, combine and delete ingredients to suit my taste. I love creating my own recipes. G hunts and fishes so I have access to venison, wild hog, squirrel, ducks and both fresh and salt water fish. I really enjoy finding or inventing new and original ways to prepare natures gifts. I garden on a small scale and love having fresh veggies and herbs to eat and cook with.
In life I consider myself a critical thinker. There was a time when reporters did just that - they reported the news without injecting their opinions. Today "journalist" or "news media" are nothing but a bunch of talking heads giving their opinions instead of reporting. Social media and e-mail, text messaging are other venues of miss-information. I do not take anything I hear at face value. I research everything. I research numerous sources. Yes - on line but numerous sites.
I consider myself analytical, not scientific. I am definitely artistic. I cook, sew, garden, do crafts and even paint a little. I worked as a custom kitchen designer for Lowe's - 7 years. I was very good at my job. My store was a small, rural store. I was always one of the top three designers in the district every quarter and frequently #1 quarterly and annually.
My painting is abstract - either finger painting or acrylic pour. I do have an eye for color, shape and form. I used to journal and write stories about my family and experiences. I need to get back to writing about my family and life. I am also an avid reader.
I look back at what I have I just written and realize that I am so eclectic that I would drive most people crazy. I am very grateful that G puts up with me. BTW - I am also lazy and hate housework. :hyper:
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