Thanks for the topic. We are not at all prepared for any fire emergency.
There is one smoke alarm in the house. No batteries. 1 Jurassic fire extinguisher in the dark corner under the kitchen sink.
Last week G cooked steaks. I always lightly brush a cast iron skillet with oil. I brush the steak with EVOO and season with salt and pepper. G turned on the gas grill with the skillet inside to heat. When he put the steak in the pan it flamed up. Residual grease in the bottom of the grill caught fire. He turned off the burners and closed the lid but flames continued to shoot out from the bottom of the grill. The grill sits next to a wood lattice divider. Not smart. The lattice has some char marks.
G bought some kind of remote alert thing that never got installed.
My sweet G will not be a happy camper but I will begin a subtle, gentle nagging process to correct the basic safety issues.
After 29 years I know how to get his attention.