Christmas Trees & Decorations


Curiousity ! What symbology does the cow over the fireplace have ? Are you in the dairy business or is it or was it, a special mascot ?

Thank you and Merry Christmas ..
Has everyone begun their Christmas decorating yet ? Here is our Office Tree ..

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@MypinchofItaly & @Sandra & @ElizabethB & @epicuric

Thank you Ladies for the compliment on my Office Xmas Tree. Quite extraordinary ! Every year we do a Raffle for a tiny gift under 5 - 7 Euros and decorate the Tree and have a few tapas and some Cava Sant Sadourni d´ Anoia, Barcelona Sparkling Wines (or beer for those who prefer ) ..

Happy New Year to all ..

Curiousity ! What symbology does the cow over the fireplace have ? Are you in the dairy business or is it or was it, a special mascot ?

Thank you and Merry Christmas ..
That is Henrietta Holstein. Both my wife and I are from farming families,and my wife used to work in dairy nutrition (as in for dairy cows). Plus it freaks out new visitors - it is in the hallway, and stares directly at you when you come in through the front door. I keep promising to fit some remote controlled LED lights to the eyes for added spookery.
That is Henrietta Holstein. Both my wife and I are from farming families,and my wife used to work in dairy nutrition (as in for dairy cows). Plus it freaks out new visitors - it is in the hallway, and stares directly at you when you come in through the front door. I keep promising to fit some remote controlled LED lights to the eyes for added spookery.
I must have missed the photo of Henrietta, but I bet she's beautiful and the spooky eyes will be a sight to see.

One of my Dad's sister married a dairy farmer, and they had farms at various times in Surrey, Hampshire and Essex. Some of my cousins and their children carried on the tradition but I don't know whether they have their own farms now. One cousin moved to North Devon and carried on as a farmer until quite recently. He sold out when he retired from farming, but apparently he had a part time job as a rep for a farm machinery company afterwards.
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