corn on the cob debate


Active Member
28 Jan 2023
Local time
9:26 PM
recently we have gotten into a freindly debate about how long corn on the cob should be boiled
your thoughts ?
thats cheating the time line should be one of these , 0 for those that like the taste of raw corn, with the water boiling 1 minute, at this point the corn is blanched but hot , 10 minutes semi cooked , or 25-30 minutes fully cooked
I eat fresh corn on the cob regularly. I put it in cold water and remove it when the water starts boiling. I use the air fryer the same way. I never preheat. I just put the food in cold and let it rip. I know how much time I need to get the job done from doing it that way.
we like it fully cooked ,25-30 min. but it seems like there are those that like the taste of blanched better saying fully cooking it makes it tougher ,we can't tell if its tougher or not
fresh picked & shucked sweet corn - about six minutes in boiling water.
cooking times in double digit minutes make me cringe . . .
we can't tell if its tougher or not
The image of street stands popped into my mind. Locally, come end of August, we see corn cobs boiled or roasted selling at such stands. The cooked ones are usually kept soaked in the, possibly, hot water. The roasted ones are displayed. The buyer can pick and is asked, Should I salt the cob for you?
I used to love the roasted ones. Charred everything makes me happy. But for teeth issues, probably not the best option.

The boiled ones, I love those too. In particular if they are really tender. But I always wonder if they get harder if overcooked? Can they be overcooked? I can't remember. Have not cooked corn in a really really long time.

Certainly depends on the 'age' of the cob itself...and the sort...right?

Anyways, it's a fantastic snack.
I’ll eat corn on the cob anyway it comes. Love the stuff but it doesn’t seem to like me so it’s one of those bittersweet things where corn gluttony overrides my sensible side and I can’t wedge the stuff done quick enough, it’s not a pretty sight and there are accompanying gromphing noises and exclamations that are probably more suited to the boudoir than the table 😂
Well, when I make it in a pot of water, I don’t really boil it. I boil the water (with a little milk and sugar added), then I throw the corn in, cover it, and turn the heat off.

After that, it sits until ready to eat, but I shoot for around 15-20 minutes.

I’ll make it in the microwave, on the outside grill, roasted in the oven, under the broiler, whatever’s easiest at the time.
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