Wandering Bob
Who said it was in the US ?
I don't see the point in crossword clues that you can solve in 30 seconds (or less)
You need to think a bit laterally
it must be guacamole.
Nothing in molten rock - mixed spice? (7)
Excellent Madame Glory - what a very good clue.
I'm amazed it took me so long (well, I'm not really) but having finally solved the clue (and yes, I did have some help), I had to stand back and admire the elegance and precision with which you put it together. As a woman who is no longer with this once said about something completely different "such a satisfying clue !".
Revolutionary in busy cathedral city finds fruit (6)
On the face of it, there's only one 3-letter 'cathedral city' and only two obvious 3-letter 'revolutionaries' - but, try as I might, I can't fit them to make a fruit. Unless of course it's a fruit that I've never heard of ….
I am sure you will have heard of the fruit