Lol if you like but that’s not quite how it works
Usually just ‘zza’ after the names first vowel but it be applied anywhere theres a consonant and a vowel.
That can be the first name or the surname.
Jeremy - Jezza
Karen - Kazza
Gary - Gazza
Sharon - Shazza
It doesn’t work for all names. It started sometime in the 80’s or 90’s.
British people can’t leave words alone
They’re forever splicing words together, making up new ones or messing about with someone’s name to create a new one.
It is genuinely a compliment though, you don’t mess around with the name of someone you can’t be bothered with.
Hmm that’s not entirely true we will also spend time and energy coming up with very unflattering twists for a name of someone we don’t like too. Then they have to put up with that unflattering twist for eternity
And swerving this back on topic before the “keep on topic” post appears
I’m looking forward to trying out the tamarind paste in a non traditional way tomorrow.
Does anyone else use their pastes for anything you wouldn’t expect?