How keen are you on dining etiquette in your own home? - and in restaurants?
Seen this earlier but was doing chores and unable to focus long enough...
At home
Pretty relaxed, I like to keep the good manners basics, no feet on the table

, no yelling, no slurping (if it happens by accident, no big deal), but kids tend to overdo, so just being normal...I don't havetime to fuss much around setting the table, de-setting the table, plus the kitchen table serves as cooking/prep surface, so it is usually a speedy arrangement, since it is only my daughter and me, we could e.g. have a salad in a joint big bowl and eat together from that bowl, no prob. Hands for pizza, cheese, fish, any " finger food", sliced food, sliced fruit...I'd love to have a lovely set table as per etiquette, but for now, it is unsustainable.
We try to keep it simple and basic decent. She still asks me to cut her Schnitzel, which I roll my eyes over, as she is old enough to do it herself. But as I am away at work most of the days, the whole days, we balance - sometimes I do it, sometimes she does it with encouragement...
At a restaurant
Well, that is different, and should be all over good manners. I don't think I know all the etiquette details for all dishes and all occasions, but, as I wrote on a different thread, am, as always, willing to learn or be educated by friendly locals.
The two of us , kid and I did not attend any VERY formal dinners so far, so that is yet to come, but should work all right. I mean nobody is going to mind terribly if a detail is out of place, at least not in our community. You might get a gaze or an energy shift, but, I mean, with kids, or even us adults, you have to be forgiving, it is not the end of the world if you mix up the wine and water glasses, if they are both on stalks (as I did once, and my then boss laughed at me

As medtran mentioned, at home habits change if we have a visit, which we rarely do, as it is a tiny flat, so if we meet with friends, it is more likely to be a coffee shop or a walk...
What I dislike in general is e.g. throwing bakery wrapping papers or baggies onto the floor/pavement onto the streets, I fidn that extremely rude, <i have raised my kid not to ever do that, or any kind of leftovers, a chewing gum, belongs to a piece of paper and into the garbage bin.
I also dislike rude language, anywhere, so I have raised her not to use it, I never use it. I dislike unnecessary yelling, so I discourage that too. I have transferred to my kid the necessity of polite gratitude, e.g. on kids' birthday parties, even if she does not like the candies gifted to her, or pencils or whatever, she should politely say thank you, smile and later pass on the gift to Grandma or me, or whatever...we can always donate it or find a charity, whatever...
I try to raise her with awareness of what real food is, vs snacks and empty calories, veges, fruits, meals, home made food, a whole meal, we try to minimize fast food to several times a month, she drinks predominantly water (soda rarely, coke never, juices sometimes), desserts are on after a meal, not prior, she should clean her teeth regularly...all those are vital, as far as my opinion is asked. And she is encouraged to walk, and exercise, she does athletics 3 x a week, she does not have to win any races, just work out. Now with her toe injury she is pausing, but will continue.