Do you have weird dreams?

No plot and very short, but worth mentioning:

I dreamed I was very high up in a house, like you see in one of those horror movies with some unknown person looking down from the attic or tower.

It was raining outside, and the front yard was very wet and muddy, and I looked down from the window, and there was my neighbor’s dog, just sitting there, and he was wearing a bright lime-green crash helmet, with this expression on his face that suggested he’d just had some sort of brain surgery to render him senseless.

That was it.
So you dream in colour?

I only dream in black and white. :( but it doesn't seem to affect anything
So you dream in colour?

I only dream in black and white. :( but it doesn't seem to affect anything
Yep, and sometimes it’s quite vivid. With that dream - the room I was in was a bluish-grey, the ground was muddy, but also with autumnal tones of rust and olive, the dog was his expected black and brown, all topped off with that fetching lime-green helmet! :laugh:
Yep, and sometimes it’s quite vivid. With that dream - the room I was in was a bluish-grey, the ground was muddy, but also with autumnal tones of rust and olive, the dog was his expected black and brown, all topped off with that fetching lime-green helmet! :laugh:
I have very vivid dreams along with sensations like a rollercoaster and all sorts and I know I dream of colours, just not in colour... I guess I am just weird wired wrongly :D
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