Last night’s dream:
I was going by bus to my downtown office, and once I got on the bus, I realized I’d left my laptop at home. I figured it would be ok, because my office has banks of computers for open use, and everything I have is stored on the network, not my actual laptop.
I got off downtown, and the stop was named for a local pub, called The Bench Boy (I have no idea what that means), and everything around it had benches and things like that.
In order to get to my office, I had to go through a station that turned into a shopping district, and along the way, I had to pee, so I ducked into the restroom.
I looked around, and you know those urinal troughs that some places have, like sports arenas? Well, this place had a trough, but it was shaped like a bench.
I looked at it and thought, “There’s only room for two people to pee into that, and I’ll be damned if I’m standing right up against a stranger while we both pee!” - even in my dreams, ever mindful of The Urinal Rules.
Then I saw a little further down the wall was a standalone commode, and I thought, “I’ll go pee in that!”
Off I went.
As soon as I got there, undid my trouser top, just got ready to go, a man burst into the bathroom, flew right by the unoccupied pee trough, crashed right into me, and peed right in the commode, and he was so close to me, he was standing on my foot and I couldn’t get away.
The End