Weird dream time, and a couple of CBers showed up in it!
The dream started out with me driving a car madly through a very busy city. The fun/strange thing was…the city was like something out of Dr. Seuss or MarioKart, because it was very bright almost animated - all the lights atop the light poles, for example, rotated round and round, and the highways curled up, over, between themselves. Signs flashed everywhere and buildings changed colors.
In the car with me were caseydog and LissaC - but the funny thing was, it was just their CB avatar pictures. They were alive, but to look at them…just their avatars - big square one-dimensional images.
There was also a woman who looked like Marie Antoinette, but was not Marie Antoinette. I don’t know what she was doing there, because she never spoke or interacted with anyone at all.
For some reason, we were trying to get to the hospital, and just like MarioKart, there were all these obstacles that kept popping up - a lane would just end with a huge concrete pole at the end of it, and I’d have to quick dodge to another lane.
At one point I said, “Look for an H in the road, because that’s the lane we need to get to the hospital!”
That went on for a bit, then I was suddenly by myself in one of those underground passages you see in movies, like an underground access corridor to a secret government lab or something like that.
I had a supermarket cart I was pushing, but it was outfitted with some kind of gun, and I crept along and crept along, not really knowing where I was going with it, when the whole contraption suddenly fell apart into pieces.
I snuck along the corridor, which was now rapidly filling with people coming the opposite way. Groups of people, like little schoolgirls in sailor outfits, soldiers, a whole formation of businessmen…no one paid me any attention, and then there was a hedge, but it was like a fake hedge, made of ribbons and long strands of videotape and plastic, and I pushed through that, and popped out right in the middle of a hugely busy city square, all lit up with crazy billboards and things. It looked a lot like what pictures and movies of Tokyo looks like.
And that was it. Dream done.
The dream started out with me driving a car madly through a very busy city. The fun/strange thing was…the city was like something out of Dr. Seuss or MarioKart, because it was very bright almost animated - all the lights atop the light poles, for example, rotated round and round, and the highways curled up, over, between themselves. Signs flashed everywhere and buildings changed colors.
In the car with me were caseydog and LissaC - but the funny thing was, it was just their CB avatar pictures. They were alive, but to look at them…just their avatars - big square one-dimensional images.
There was also a woman who looked like Marie Antoinette, but was not Marie Antoinette. I don’t know what she was doing there, because she never spoke or interacted with anyone at all.
For some reason, we were trying to get to the hospital, and just like MarioKart, there were all these obstacles that kept popping up - a lane would just end with a huge concrete pole at the end of it, and I’d have to quick dodge to another lane.
At one point I said, “Look for an H in the road, because that’s the lane we need to get to the hospital!”
That went on for a bit, then I was suddenly by myself in one of those underground passages you see in movies, like an underground access corridor to a secret government lab or something like that.
I had a supermarket cart I was pushing, but it was outfitted with some kind of gun, and I crept along and crept along, not really knowing where I was going with it, when the whole contraption suddenly fell apart into pieces.
I snuck along the corridor, which was now rapidly filling with people coming the opposite way. Groups of people, like little schoolgirls in sailor outfits, soldiers, a whole formation of businessmen…no one paid me any attention, and then there was a hedge, but it was like a fake hedge, made of ribbons and long strands of videotape and plastic, and I pushed through that, and popped out right in the middle of a hugely busy city square, all lit up with crazy billboards and things. It looked a lot like what pictures and movies of Tokyo looks like.
And that was it. Dream done.