Not a dream as such, but last night, I went to bed at 10:30PM. I’ve been staying up later and later, and I think it’s really messing up my sleep, so I’m trying to get back to going to bed at my usual 10PM.
MrsT’s body clock is all off from her Alaska trip, so she stayed up, with some dim lighting on in the living room, and that was it.
I usually close the door when I go to bed first, but for whatever reason, I forgot and left it open.
I don’t know the time, probably 11:30PM or so, but I was woken up by this strange sound, and I looked at the doorway, saw the muted lighting down the hall, and in my groggy state, I thought, “Crap! There’s somebody in the house.”
Still half asleep, I climbed out of bed and crept/tiptoed down the hall, moving closer and closer to the noise…but then the noise got more and more faint as I entered the living room.
Keep in mind, I couldn’t see

because I’d left my glasses in the bedroom.
I continued slowly making my way around the living room…into the kitchen…the bar…back to the living room, and always this tinkly-tink noise going on, like a child’s piano, but I could never find it.
Another thing to keep in mind…I’m butt-bare naked, which is how you always want to approach potential ax murderers.
Anyway, around and around I went, stealthy like in a Scooby-Doo cartoon apparently, and after maybe the third time, I finally heard a voice, from the dark of the hallway:
“Jesus! What in the hell are you doing? You look like an idiot creeping around like that! Naked, too!

Seems what happened was, MrsT was playing a game on her phone when she went to use the hallway bathroom, leaving the light off but the door open. The initial sound I heard that woke me up was from the game she was playing.
I’d walked right past her and the bathroom (in the dark), but still heard the game going as I walked around and around in a circle, from the living room to the kitchen to the pub to the living room, in my birthday suit and blind as a post.