Do you have weird dreams?

I too am scared of heights, we have a gondola in Queenstown where we used to,go on holiday. My kids knew I was scared of heights, so when we were going up they started to swing the gondola, I got angry as I thought we might crash, they laughed like hell. I don't go on gondolas with my kids anymore. A nightmare dream would involve heights!!

When every I drink Budweiser Beer I have wild dreams.
I've overheard others say the same.
The other evening I had a dream about looking for a toilet, I then woke up and had to stumble half asleep to the bathroom.. silly but functional dream :laugh:
Last night I dreamt that I was on a train, it shunted 1 way and stopped with a jolt then the other way. This continued for a while then some of us got off the train and walked across a busy square to a building. Some walked up the stairs but I chose the escalator, part way it went up to the underneath if a staircase so I had to get off-climbing over the side to get to the stairs-I was wearing a short skirt and heels (?) so it was difficult. Got to the top and it was a beautiful garden, I wanted to take pictures so I asked 1 of the guys on the train for my phone, I walked off to take pictures and realised I had a tv remote control so I went back to find the guy but he was nowhere to be seen, infact I couldn't find anyone from the train, I was walking around trying to find someone, I couldn't call anyone because I didn't have a phone, I felt lost and alone. I felt sad when I woke up :(
I just discovered this old thread.

Wow, do I have weird dreams? Every night. Very rarely scary nightmares, just $#@%$# weird. I often wake up and wonder how my brain came up with this $#!T.

There are certain reoccurring elements that I remember, but mostly, I don't remember my dreams more than about fifteen minutes after I wake up.

Being a "creative" person -- Art major, photographer, graphic designer -- I wonder if that has something to do with it. I don't know.

The other evening I had a dream about looking for a toilet, I then woke up and had to stumble half asleep to the bathroom.. silly but functional dream :laugh:

That is actually very common. If you dream you need to pee, it's because you really need to pee.

I do have wild dreams.

A couple themes - an ability not so much as to fly, but to be able to hover and land safely from some sort of height. This appears often.

Now that I'm retired - I dream often that I'm back at work and have returned to work there for awhile for whatever reason, and am planning on taking a second retirement after I accomplish such and such (which may vary from dream to dream). I'm actually getting to the belief I'm owed extra pay for the hours I've put into dreamtime there, since my actual retirement!

In reality, I planned to visit a friend the next day to see her bathroom addition and upstairs renovation. (The house only had a bathroom on the lower floor, nothing on the floor of the bedroom.) The night before, I dreamed up quite a vivid and fascinating spa with hot tub that was being constructed for her - in a fancy bathroom with a bay window, overlooking a stream and quite nice comfort amenities. Mind you, this wasn't completed (except the window, and having the spa tub in place), and workmen were scurrying around. As I visited her bath in my dream, the entire upstairs area seemed to grow larger and larger.

When the next morning in reality I went to visit, the bathroom was located where I'd dreamed it - but minus the bay window, the stream, and the fancy hot tub - she's a shower and no tub... So I do keep congratulating her on her (non-existent) hot tub and spa....
I did just dream that all the Christmas tags on my Christmas gifts were secret demon messages, but we also just watched an episode of the TV show Evil that had a somewhat similar plot, so that's where that came from.
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