This is burger-related, I promise.
One of the things people who like the Jacques & Julia cooking shows comment on is their chemistry together, and Jacques has confirmed many times that they were so comfortable cooking together that they rarely had more than an idea of what they were making for a particular episode, and most everything was done on the fly.
He also talked about her pleasure at trying to trip him up during filming. One such example was one of the beef episodes they made.
Having cooked and eaten with her plenty of times, he knew how she liked her burgers, which was around rare. She was famous for always chiding the “health police” for being too cautious about things.
During the cooking demonstration, where they each cooked a burger, they were cooking along and chatting, and she asked him, innocently, in that clucky, sing-song manner of hers, “How do you like your burger cooked, Jack?” - he said she was the only one who ever called him “Jack.”
He replied gently that he preferred a rare burger, and she followed up, asking if he was at all concerned about the warnings of ground meat and bacteria, to which he said no, he wasn’t.
At that point, she pounced: “I must say, I prefer my burger cooked WELL DONE!”
The look on Jacques’ face was priceless. He looked right in the camera with this, well, a sort of “WTF?” expression, then in classic Jacques fashion, simply shrugged his shoulders and said, “I have always eaten my burgers rare.”