Do you like your burgers rare?

I've always been told that eating too much red meat, in time, can cause cancer. I DO eat it, but steaks, I eat it only on rare or special occasions, such as someone's birthday or going out once in a while. I try not to eat it all the time. :whistling:
Made some scrambled eggs with Hollandaise and salmon for breakfast and some soft cookies for the shop.

Back in the 1970s our works canteen served burger and chips for lunch. The burgers were always over cooked to the consistency of crisp leather and their only flavour was that of the herbs and spices blended in during the mincing process. The reason given for this harsh cooking was down to the number of food poisoning complaints they had received due to under cooking. We were lucky if the burgers contained 10% beef, the rest being made up from offal such as bovine udders, lips, noses and ears. Our expectations were'nt very high back than.
When I was a youngster in Maidstone in the 60s-70s, the only Burger place was called "Wimpy's". I can't recall what they were like, but I do remember they were dire. When McD's opened in the same town, Wimpy's emptied.
Astoundingly enough, the Wimpy Bar is still open, and in exactly the same place as 50 years ago. Doesn't say much for my town's gourmet level...
When I was a youngster in Maidstone in the 60s-70s, the only Burger place was called "Wimpy's". I can't recall what they were like, but I do remember they were dire. When McD's opened in the same town, Wimpy's emptied.

And I remember Wimpy burgers being superior to any others in the 60s. Toasted buns. Although there was no McDonald's then. I probably wouldn't touch them now though.
I bought a kilo of minced beef yesterday and the wife said " Let's do burgers for dinner!".
So it got close to dinner, and we looked in the fridge. No mayo, no ketchup, no mustard. A quick trip to the bakery sorted that out.
Then I fished out the cast iron griddle we've got, rather than firing up the (charcoal) grill outside.
Perfect! Crispy on the outside, pink inside. Perfectly crafted grill marks. English mustard. Yum!
When we first moved to the UK, Wimpy’s was high on my list of places to eat, because of Dudley Moore’s character in the movie “Bedazzled.”

"Wimpy is a fast-food chain that was founded in the United States. It found its success internationally, mainly in the United Kingdom and South Africa. It has changed between being a table-service establishment and counter-service establishment throughout its history.

The chain was founded in Bloomington, Indiana, by Edward Gold in 1934 as Wimpy Grills, with the chain in the United States hitting its peak with 26 locations in 1947. In 1954, Gold signed a license with J. Lyons and Co. for them to operate Wimpy Bar across the United Kingdom, with further international agreements a few years later through its subsidiary company, Wimpy International. By 1977, there were only seven Wimpy locations in the United States, which all folded following Gold's passing in that year. Despite the brand's demise domestically, the chain would peak at 1,500 international locations the following year."

However, there is a Wimpy's in Dallas. Probably no connection to the original chain.

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"Wimpy is a fast-food chain that was founded in the United States
OMG - I learn something new every day.
J.Lyons & Co. used to run "Lyon's Corner House", which was basically a place you could have a cup of tea/coffee, a cake/bun/sausage roll and waste some time whilst waiting for your next appointment. A schoolfriend and I used to go to Lyon's at about 4.15pm, because we had music classes at 5.
The J. Lyons in Maidstone is now a Keralan restaurant.
OMG - I learn something new every day.
J.Lyons & Co. used to run "Lyon's Corner House", which was basically a place you could have a cup of tea/coffee, a cake/bun/sausage roll and waste some time whilst waiting for your next appointment. A schoolfriend and I used to go to Lyon's at about 4.15pm, because we had music classes at 5.
The J. Lyons in Maidstone is now a Keralan restaurant.
Will that now be changed to a Carolean restaurant? :laugh:
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