

25 Aug 2019
Local time
2:36 AM
An earworm is a term used to describe a song that gets stuck in your head. It plays over and over in your head. It seems to mostly be songs you don't like, but even if you liked the song before it got stuck in your head, you can eventually grow to hate it.

I have an earworm almost constantly tormenting me. The song changes, but I can have one song stuck in my head for days. Right now, I have a Genesis song that I used to like stuck in my head. I am starting to hate that song.

Anyone else have earworms?

But they don't tend to last more than a day.

I have an annoying version of an earworm. Growing up in a household full of muso's means I have an absurdly large library of music stored somewhere in my brain. When someone says something thats a line from a song, or close to a line from a song or a situation occurs that is described in a song then POP that song will suddenly appear in my mind!

Mostly it's just like having an enjoyable soundtrack to some of life's moments, sometimes they become that days earworm!
I have a naming earworm too.
I'm not great with names. Excellent with placing faces but names, no chance.
So if theres a song that fits with that person I'll use it.

Them- "Hello I'm Ivor"
Me- "Hi Ivor"

Hmm need to remember this persons name..
🎵 Ivor got a lovely bunch of coconuts 🎵

Yep / I get them all the time, especially when I'm gardening, for some odd reason or another. Instead of some glorious rock anthem or a sublime piece of Johann Sebastian, it's usually something really annoying, like "Row,row, row your boat..." or the theme tune from some crummy Mexican soap.
Anyone else have earworms?
Definitely, and I’m another one that constantly has it going on, it just shifts songs.

The one playing in my head right now is, “She keeps the home fires burning…” - just that line from an Alabama song (bubblegum country, anyone?), over and over. In a couple of days, it’ll be something else.

I don’t even like Alabama, not in the least. Before this one, it was Petty’s “Last Dance with Mary Jane,” but just the little grungy guitar hook, no lyrics.
I don’t even like Alabama, not in the least. Before this one, it was Petty’s “Last Dance with Mary Jane,” but just the little grungy guitar hook, no lyrics.

I've had that Petty song in my head a few times. My nemesis is Lynyrd Skynyrd. I hate their songs, but one will pop up on the classic rock station in the car, and I can't mute the audio fast enough. It's stuck in my head.

Lately A Job to Do by Genesis has be stuck in my head for days at a time. I used to like that song. Now I hate it.

I have two going at the moment, one for each ear, I suppose:

The entire chorus of “Silver Threads and Golden Needles,” alternating with this single line from a Bellamy Brothers classic:

“I pray that someday I will find me a redneck girl.”

Back and forth, back and forth. It actually kept me up overnight.
It's obvious what you need to do.
Find that bloody redneck girl and put her on the next bus to Talahassee!! :laugh: :laugh:
Unlike Alabama (the band), for whom I earlier mentioned my intense dislike, I actually like the Bellamy Brothers quite a lot, but I don’t like that song at all.

When it first came out, I used to laugh at this lyric:

“Livin' for Friday afternoon
She's gonna show one ol' boy that weekend moon“

I always chose to interpret that as the “weekend moon” that ol’ boy was gonna see wasn’t the one up in the sky! :laugh:
BTW Tasty, that video was recorded in Gruene Hall. Did you ever go there?

(for others, Gruene is pronounced Green)

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