Favorite Movies

:ohmy: Wow that is early. What time do you go to bed in the evening?

It varies. When I get up, I have trouble getting back to sleep. So my sleep hours are broken and irregular. Often eating food is like a sleeping pill, a full bladder, an alarm clock. I have my own set of aches and pains to go with that. That's part of growing old for some of us.
Good Morning. It's the Winter Solstice today, the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. We can look forward to increasingly longer days, but not warmer ones. The Jet Stream wobble notoriously during January and February as we enter Carnival, making them the coldest months of the year, before March rolls in with the Spring Equinox.

I've selected another Hitchcock movie this morning, "Topaz."

And while I formulate the recipe for "Cope de Fruitas en Capas", I will roll with "Beneath The Planet of The Apes."

The late nighter will be a military comedy, the 1970 version of "Catch-22." It always gives me pleasurable amusement.
Good Morning. It's the Winter Solstice today, the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. We can look forward to increasingly longer days, but not warmer ones. The Jet Stream wobble notoriously during January and February as we enter Carnival, making them the coldest months of the year, before March rolls in with the Spring Equinox.

I've selected another Hitchcock movie this morning, "Topaz."

And while I formulate the recipe for "Cope de Fruitas en Capas", I will roll with "Beneath The Planet of The Apes."

The late nighter will be a military comedy, the 1970 version of "Catch-22." It always gives me pleasurable amusement.

You really do watch a lot of films!
I have made great efforts to find and obtain some really hard to get movies which I had seen before and wanted.

Some examples are "The Fighting Sulivans", "Flight From Ashiya" and a Finnish or Norwegian movie "Pathfinder" or "Ofelas" (1987).

While subtitled, the Finnish or Norwegian "Pathfinder" movie is excellent. There is an American take-off of this movie called "Pathfinder" (2007) that while enjoyable, just doesn't compare.

Movies these days are hard to get because of two reasons, chiefly, 1) they deteriorated on film before they could be salvaged and digitized and 2) they have been the object of legal royalty ownership battles with production and distribution frozen.
Le vite degli altri - Das Leben der Anderen - The lives of others
It' a German movie of which I'm never tired to watch.

The story is set in East Berlin, in 1984; Gerd Wiesler, the captain of the Stasi (Ministry for State Security) is assigned to spy on Georg Dreyman, a famous writer.
Wiesler is asked to find anything that will trap Dreyman and his woman and as a reward he will receive a promotion.

But the unexpected happens: Wiesler begins to take an interest in the man and woman's lives, which, compared to his own, are so full of culture, interests and, above all, feelings.
And so, little by little, Wiesler changes his opinion about the regime, risking his future to protect culture and truth.

Apart from the film, which is beautiful with extraordinary actors, two things struck me: there is a reverse process, i.e. the book takes its cue from the film and not vice versa as usually happens.

The other is that the actor Ulrich Muhe (deceased) who plays the captain of the Stasi, was himself under surveillance by the secret services, of which his wife was part.

Good Morning! There's lots doing this morning. I'll be working on not one, but two Turmeric Recipe Challenge projects today. First there's the Copa de Fruitas en Capa recipe and then, second, I've decided to do a Verinne, that will be a Spicy Fruit Paste Verinne. The two are related, sort of, so things won't get too far out of hand. However, Gelatine takes a while to set and the Copa de Fruitas en Capa uses it on at least 4 layers, so it will be a time consuming and somewhat complex recipe that needs to be time managed. That's the fun part for today's cooking sports event.

So this morning starts with Breakfast and Coffee and the movie "Kelly's Heros."

After the women get up, feed the dogs and start about their day, it will be safe to make noise with the blender. So the head phones will come off and no movie while I concentrate on the projects.

I figure a late night movie will work out and that's planned to be "A Man Called Horse."

Let the cooking games commence. It's going to be a sweet tooth day.
I decided upon "Leon, The Professional" with Jean Reno (also of Ronin) and a young Natalie Portman.
Then I watched "The Long Good Friday"

Then "Ronin"

Now I'm trying to get me head around "Hostel" (2005) but it's proving difficult.

I may rewatch "Tears of the Sun".
Then I watched "The Long Good Friday"

Then "Ronin"

Now I'm trying to get me head around "Hostel" (2005) but it's proving difficult.

I may rewatch "Tears of the Sun".

Ohhhh, that hurts. The "Hostel" movies are gore and guts. It definitely doesn't do much for a certain country's tourism industry. If you find the "Hostel" movies amusing, try the "Saw" movies. As far as Horror genre movies go, these movies are not Bela Lugosi. They are much more twisted than any Horror movies I have ever watched. When it comes to that, "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" doesn't hold a candle.
Ohhhh, that hurts. The "Hostel" movies are gore and guts. It definitely doesn't do much for a certain country's tourism industry. If you find the "Hostel" movies amusing, try the "Saw" movies. As far as Horror genre movies go, these movies are not Bela Lugosi. They are much more twisted than any Horror movies I have ever watched. When it comes to that, "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" doesn't hold a candle.

I have watched "Saw" and "Saw 2". I drew the line before "Saw 3" (was there one?). Gore doesn't necessarily bother me (in movies) but I can do without it.
I have watched "Saw" and "Saw 2". I drew the line before "Saw 3" (was there one?). Gore doesn't necessarily bother me (in movies) but I can do without it.

Take it as a hint; I do not have the "Hostel" and "Saw" movies in my collection.
I believe I will be shooting to do my last Turmeric Recipe Challenge today, again, something I've never done before, baking Bread, Robagusti Bread, my own contrived recipe.

It's Breakfast first and with that I'll be watching "Mash."

If I have time for it while making the Bread, I picked "Mosquito Squadron", another Mosquito Bomber movie.

And for the late nighter, it will be "Tora! Tora! Tora!", two weeks later than Dec. 7th, but what the hey?
I'm currently watching "Bad Boys".

If I stay awake I may watch "Bad Boys II".
I'm currently watching "Bad Boys".

If I stay awake I may watch "Bad Boys II".
I remember that movie. Vampires! I don't have it, I suppose because there seem to be just too many Vampire and Zombie movies out there. I don't know why but people have a fascination for Vampire and Zombies, perhaps, because they view each other as blood sucking villains and mindless flesh eaters, flesh being their hard earnings from work.
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