I'm going to be eating light today, next best thing to totally fasting - only a Banana and Coffee for Breakfast and possibly, the last wedge of Robagusti Bread later in the day with a handful of mixed nuts.
This morning's movie? It's Clint Eastwood again in "Play Misty For Me."
Later in the day, the pick will be "Straw Dogs." That's a thriller.
And the late nighter? I intend for that to be "THX-1138", my favorite old SciFi movie from the 70s.
This morning's movie? It's Clint Eastwood again in "Play Misty For Me."
Later in the day, the pick will be "Straw Dogs." That's a thriller.
And the late nighter? I intend for that to be "THX-1138", my favorite old SciFi movie from the 70s.