Food waste

@morning glory here's the celery we get. There is an 18 inch ruler in the drawer with them. The front celery is at an angle because it's too large to fit into the salad drawer otherwise. Tbe salad drawer is 22 inches wide. Nearly 2 foot.

@morning glory here's the celery we get. There is an 18 inch ruler in the drawer with them. The front celery is at an angle because it's too large to fit into the salad drawer otherwise. Tbe salad drawer is 22 inches wide. Nearly 2 foot.

View attachment 30375

Its certainly large! I get a green type here too sometimes. I think the flavour does tend to be stronger.
Celery leaves are delicious! I purposely buy celery with the leaves attached if possible. Good in salads and stews - they are great in soups too and for vegetable stock. Or I scatter them over other dishes as a garnish with attitude.
I totally agree. I find that they are to celery what the zest of a citrus fruit is to that fruit: a more intense version of what you normally have. Whenever I get head of celery, the first thing I do is strip off the leaves and put them in a zipper bag. Then, I use them as you indicate here. But, I've always used them as a finisher. I will have to try them in the base of a recipe as you suggested in the rest of your post.
I'm dehydrating greens this morning. I bought too much and we're not eating them fast enough. Once dehydrated, I'll pulse them to powder for smoothies. Kale, collards, arugula, beet tops, spinach and a little romaine.

Sometimes I don't pulse them into a powder. I use the dehydrated greens in a variety of dishes. The powder is definitely easier to store, space wise.

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I'm dehydrating greens this morning. I bought too much and we're not eating them fast enough. Once dehydrated, I'll pulse them to powder for smoothies. Kale, collards, arugula, beet tops, spinach and a little romaine.

Sometimes I don't pulse them into a powder. I use the dehydrated greens in a variety of dishes. The powder is definitely easier to store, space wise.

View attachment 30418

Brilliant way to use up greens! I've made dehydrated spinach as a powder before. The flavour is so concentrated. I add to soups, sauces etc.

How do you use your dehydrated greens?
My relatives stay close. Whenever we have excess food, I just pop across with what we can't consume. We also get some when too much has been cooked in other homes. This works out very well for us. Can you try form a small network of friends who can share the extra food? Or perhaps it can be packed and carried to work. This is one other thing I like about where I work. I carry the leftovers and share it with friends over lunch. This way we get to try a variety of food. Of course there are many at work who think we are ridiculous, but who cares. No wastage and happy to share.
My relatives stay close. Whenever we have excess food, I just pop across with what we can't consume. We also get some when too much has been cooked in other homes. This works out very well for us. Can you try form a small network of friends who can share the extra food? Or perhaps it can be packed and carried to work. This is one other thing I like about where I work. I carry the leftovers and share it with friends over lunch. This way we get to try a variety of food. Of course there are many at work who think we are ridiculous, but who cares. No wastage and happy to share.
Morning. How well does sharing with other work colleagues work for you? I was vegetarian prior to becoming vegan (plus eggs only from my chickens) and even then it was difficult. I noted from another thread that you said you were vegan. My lot were meat eaters through and through and unless it was cake or cookies wouldn't eat any odd what I cooked, with one exception of a contractor during a migration one summer that was exceptionally busy and often overran. If I wasn't home for evening meal (and I started work at 8am often earlier) hubby would bring in the food hot along with plates, cutlery and drinks and we'd all eat. Then he'd go and we'd carry on as though nothing had happened.
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