That's funny but sad.Anything my father cooked, I considered "food waste".
That's funny but sad.Anything my father cooked, I considered "food waste".
Morning. How well does sharing with other work colleagues work for you? I was vegetarian prior to becoming vegan (plus eggs only from my chickens) and even then it was difficult. I noted from another thread that you said you were vegan. My lot were meat eaters through and through and unless it was cake or cookies wouldn't eat any odd what I cooked, with one exception of a contractor during a migration one summer that was exceptionally busy and often overran. If I wasn't home for evening meal (and I started work at 8am often earlier) hubby would bring in the food hot along with plates, cutlery and drinks and we'd all eat. Then he'd go and we'd carry on as though nothing had happened.
I am a vegan(novice as of now), but have been a happy vegetarian before that. What you say is generally correct about hard core meat eaters mostly enjoying cake and cookies from veg kitchens. But I have noticed a change; more people are ready to stop, stare and actually try! People have enjoyed my soup, salad, burgers, rice based items etc. I personally don't like vegan cheese, and that I felt was also the hardest thing for meat-eaters to enjoy. I also noticed that spice heavy dishes put people off. Might it be the mix of smells? Interestingly a lot of people like to talk about what is in the food. Sometimes I think its the cookery videos and shows that people watch; they are open to food exploration.
I also noticed that spice heavy dishes put people off.
I am a vegan(novice as of now), but have been a happy vegetarian before that. What you say is generally correct about hard core meat eaters mostly enjoying cake and cookies from veg kitchens. But I have noticed a change; more people are ready to stop, stare and actually try! People have enjoyed my soup, salad, burgers, rice based items etc. I personally don't like vegan cheese, and that I felt was also the hardest thing for meat-eaters to enjoy. I also noticed that spice heavy dishes put people off. Might it be the mix of smells? Interestingly a lot of people like to talk about what is in the food. Sometimes I think its the cookery videos and shows that people watch; they are open to food exploration.
I'm a meat eater / omnivore who has little interest in anyone's desserts - I make them when I have dinner parties
Yes, vegan 'cheese' can be hard to accept. Interestingly, many traditional vegetarians find tofu hard to eat, pun unintended. I have some vegetarian Indian friends, whose parents can't bear to eat 'stringy' cheese. Maybe we should have a separate thread listing our fave 'hates' in vegetarian(broader than vegan) food.I'm probably an exception. I'm a meat eater / omnivore who has little interest in anyone's desserts - I make them when I have dinner parties or when I contribute to bake sales. Otherwise my life is complete without most cakes and cookies from veg or omnivore kitchens. Just an occasional ice cream and some truly dark chocolate, and I'm fine. Okay, I do appreciate a good tiramisu - a dish I've yet to make myself.
I won't eat vegan "cheese" (willing to do without, and besides most seem to contain cashews which I can't eat anyway), but I love good vegan foods. My vegan and vegetarian cookbooks focus on cuisines where they've developed these foods over generations if not centuries. And I make veggie burgers from scratch that do not remotely pretend to taste like anything other than some of their really wonderful source veggies.
Back when I first noticed people going vegetarian/vegan (late 70s) the offerings were nearly all bland and few omnivores wanted to try them on a daily basis. In New York, we had Indian restaurants where I could be exposed to wonderful vegetarian offerings, but out in Indiana (the mid-west here) there wasn't an Indian restaurant in sight. For a long time (and probably still now) if one signs up to go to a wedding reception the choices are: a beef main, a chicken main, and a vegetarian pasta main - the latter bland beyond belief, and likely to draw a diner into unsatiated protein cravings.
I thought this thread was about food waste?
here are a lot of different products, ranging from sheets that line the bottom of your crisper, to round cartridges you stick in the corner of the crisper. They last about 3 months. Check them out.
morning glory: Here is an link for ethylene gas absorbing products. Amazon UK should have the same or similar products.
morning glory: Here is an link for ethylene gas absorbing products. Amazon UK should have the same or similar products.