Forum GOD!
I have a few specific health issues that I should follow up with with a specialist, but I've been putting off. Have been disappointed with the medical care here in the past.
Re mental health for the new year, I may need to move away from cooking-related sites. One site in particular, has been very off-putting and has caused me undue stress and grief. I have not contributed there for a long time. When I looked back, I noticed that no matter what cooking related site I went to, my every dish, word, even down to punctuation marks were repeated there over and over again by a specific person & persons. Not once or twice, but ongoing for 2 to 3 years. Not only did these persons copy me, but try to one-up me while pooping on my post at the same time. It creeped me out. It has reached a point, where I consider seeking an attorney's advice, or leaving the internet altogether. I left certain cooking sites, and joined others. Nothing changed…
There is no contact information for the owner of the site.
Can you just ignore the posters? Works for me. Copying you means they want to be you.