Forum GOD!
The one thing that is said time and time again about the eggs we get is not their colour but the size of the yolk, that is after people get over the fact that the shells are blue or green with the occasional brown or white one. Our yolks tend to be bright yellow, as in sunshine yellow ,just because of what they eat. One girl doors produce pale yellow eggs but again that is simply because she won't eat corn from which the colouring of all the other eggs come from.
Plus we have bantams so we get tiny half sized eggs as well. There's nothing wrong with them ,that's the size they are meant to be because the bantams are much smaller chickens and mine are true bantams so they are tiny, like miniature chickens (which is what they are) .
My grandparents kept both, I'm buying free range ATM. Off my normal supplier. Free range large. A tray of 20 normally has around 12 that are double yolkers. I never found a double yolker from holiday suppliers. We shall see what my son gets.