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It can only get better from tomorrow onward.

The only things that I have left to move to the new place from the old, are my bed, my fridge, microwave, DVD-BluRay player, TV Screen, a folding table, my C-PAP machine and some other personal items, plus my clean up supplies for cleaning up after I'm all out. I will finish the final move out tomorrow morning and come back to clean up on Saturday.

The new apartment is a jossle of things that I moved in and localized to the rooms where they will eventually get organized in. It will take a while to get things organized, probably more time that it took to pack up and get them disorganized. But, that's why things can only get better from tomorrow onward. :okay:
It can only get better now. I am fully moved out of a 10 foot by 10 foot room in share housing and into a huge ocean of space apartment. I feel like a painter with a nearly blank canvas.

I gotta go back to the old digs tomorrow to clean up a bathroom and that 10 foot by 10 foot room. Today, I start getting organized. First I need to setup my bed and a table for my CPAP machine next to it. After that, I will concentrate on setting up the DVD-BluRay player, TV and Blutooth head phones - and watch a movie before preparing my meal for the day. I think that I'm going to do Tortellini with Alfredo sauce. It's simple and tasty.

Then, I'm going to nap and wake up later to watch the late night movie, if I can find it. :headphone:
One thing I need to do is figure out how to use the thermostat on the air conditioning box. But then, heating this huge place seems financially ludicrous. I have a small space heater which I can use to heat just the bedroom at night. That would be more sensible.

A couple things I don't have that I need to pick up today are a toilet plunger and a toilet brush.

There is only one room in the entire place that is carpeted, the bedroom. None the less, I think a floor vacuum is something I ought to invest in. A broom, wet and dust mops will do for the rest.

The old place was extremely prone to dust accumulation. I hope I don't have that problem here.
Today, I want to rig at least one strobe light, so that I can get some decent color temperature in my food photographs, although setting up the studio will take more time. I have to buy some things, like good sturdy folding tables for a platform. In the old place, I used my bed. It was a very crowded studio.

Now, I have lots of space to set up a proper studio. I just need to buy those tables and set things up for generic lighting to start.
The "Old Stack" is rebuilt in the new apartment, exactly as it was in the old digs.


The "Old Stack" from top to bottom, includes an LED screen TV, DVD-BluRay players, microwave oven, mini refrigerator/freezer and a drip pan.
Would it surprise anyone to know that the first room in my new apartment to be fully cleared of unpacking and get organized is the hallway? It isn't worth a picture, so I won't give one - and besides, I'd have to have some lighting strobes setup to take good photos in that color cast space. My studio gear is still packed up.
Yea! I got my studio backdrop up this morning. Now I need to think about lighting and props.

All this space I suddenly have has really got me excited. I need to think about how to proceed.
I am doing laundry today using the coin ops. Wow! The Speed Queen washer they have here is fast, 32 minutes. The dryers are also Speed Queen and take about an hour for $1.25 USD.

The liquid soap only washers are a different brand and as I still have plenty of powder soap left, I can't comment on them.
BTW: On my floor, the ground floor of a 3 story apartment complex, there are 2 dryers and 3 washers, only one of which will accept dry powder soap. The other two have signs saying "Liquid Soap Only."

I imagine the other 2 stories in this complex have the same arrangement.

What pains me is that they don't have any change machines there. I have to go out to stores and try to buy quarters. The machines only take quarters (25 cent pieces).
My bathroom becomes the 2nd room in the apartment to be completely organized with everything set and unpacked. It took the addition of a mop bucket with a ringer to finish it off.

OK, I'm a bit weird about how my bathroom is arranged.

1) The bath mat is on the floor, just outside the tub. I tend not to slip on the bath tub bottom, but more when I step out after a shower. So, the bath tub mat lies on the outside, on the floor. This also makes it easier to keep the tub clean.

2) I absolutely detest having my toilet paper on the spool on the wall. I find it much easier to roll toilet paper off the roll by hand. So, the roll sits on the edge of the sink counter, nearest the toilet, where it won't get wet and is reachable. When on the road, some of those store toilets have locked toilet paper stools, so low to the ground that it's a nightmare trying to get enough off the roll.

3) I am a man and men sometimes miss or drip, and that needs to be cleaned up right away. So I have the mop and the mop bucket handy with a bottle of bleach under the sink. I keep a wash rag on the toilet spool. Also, every body should know that urinating throws up effervescent droplets and these too, need to be cleaned away ASAP. The toilet plunger and scrubber are on the opposite side of the toilet.

4) Since I live alone, I leave my shave kit on the sink with the shave cream and razor out all the time.

5) I keep a Fabreeze air freshener plugged in all the time.

6) Of course, being a man, the toilet seat remains up.

Cleanliness and sanitation in the bathroom are essential.
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We had blinds installed in the kitchen a month ago, solely because the sun, on its way to setting, will blind anyone standing at the sink washing the dishes.

Since then...I swear it's been cloudy every <bleeping> time the sun has passed by. I want to try out the blinds!
We had blinds installed in the kitchen a month ago, solely because the sun, on its way to setting, will blind anyone standing at the sink washing the dishes.

Since then...I swear it's been cloudy every <bleeping> time the sun has passed by. I want to try out the blinds!
It is the newly discovered Black hole nearest Earth. Blame it. Chuffing ell! ( My newest Yorkshire inspired, mild it says, cursing alternative)😁

Or, a Croatian one, instead of "to Devil" which is "k vragu", I use "to Sparrow" i.r. "k vrapcu"...it does not get any milder😂
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