How is the corona virus affecting you?

I am getting the distinct impression that large numbers of people are now taking no notice of anything that could be regarded as being safe. We get endless evidence from the pub near us. It has a hand sanitiser outside the door, but I've only ever seen a couple of people use it. We see groups of people outside, crowded together, people hugging, clasping hands, talking to each other with faces inches apart and you wonder if any of these idiots have a braincell.
I am getting the distinct impression that large numbers of people are now taking no notice of anything that could be regarded as being safe. We get endless evidence from the pub near us. It has a hand sanitiser outside the door, but I've only ever seen a couple of people use it. We see groups of people outside, crowded together, people hugging, clasping hands, talking to each other with faces inches apart and you wonder if any of these idiots have a braincell.
I assume people are going through virus/lockdown fatigue. This wasn't dealt with swiftly, so now I can't be bothered - that mentality.

I went to the shops this weekend (two) and noticed much the same. My drive took me past a small neighborhood splash park, and there had to be 75 kids and parents, jam-packed, splashing and playing in the water.

We officially have a mask requirement here, and I'd say in the upscale grocer's, about 95% compliance (forgiving those with their noses fully exposed), but over in the manly-man hardware store, about 60% compliance. 🤷🏻‍♂️
We once had a crew party during the Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show, where the owner hired "naughty nurses" as entertainment. You would be surprised how often times that deck hand, now captain remembers little things like that. BTW, most of the mega yacht captains and crew are British.
BTW, most of the mega yacht captains and crew are British.
Our best mate Master Nik Giannakopoulos Captained Cruise boats out of Miami. He was dual Greek American. The Greek shipping Mafia in Miami. Both Nik and Mrs Blank were friend and employees of Paris Katsoufis head of the Mafia. The only Navy the Greeks respected is the British Royal Navy. This is my best friend on the left with his Commodore BIL Brian. Cruise industry mourns Capt. Paris Katsoufis
We just stopped in Lidl on the way home to Podstrana for sprouts for tonight. I was followed in by 3 guys and a girl. I turned around to look when I heard a London area accent. I was amazed to see two of the guys not wearing mask or using gloves to get the bread. I walked up and confronted them to be met with an arrogant response " oh we will wear them next time" I went into ballistic scouser mode, with a female member of staff who appeared we made the put their purchases down and leave. The lady staff member thanked me in very good English. I apologized for my countrymen's ignorant lack of respect for Croatian people. Nb I had just had the stitches in my head wound removed and the scar was a bit red. Mrs Blank said I looked and behaved like Frankenstein's monster.
Reading all of your stories now. Glad you are all safe. Portugal is going into contingency mode starting Sep 15. No one knows what this will mean yet. Lisbon is already in this stage. Nationwide it’s mandatory to wear masks inside shops, supermarkets, cafes etc and I’ve never seen anyone who didn’t obey this. Pubs and discos are close but they were allowed to turn into restaurants and cafes to keep afloat. Still the number of cases keep rising at an alarming rate. Probably because people are resuming their lives. On weekends the beaches and public transports are absolutely crowded. Oh and all music festivals were canceled but the communist party is being allowed to hold a festival for around 100,000 people in September. They hold this festival every year, it’s supposed to be a political gathering but everyone goes just for the drinking and live music. This is the hot topic in Portugal now. Everyone is outraged with this decision, except the communist party affiliates of course.
One of the curious side effects of these times is that I've been talking to one of my neighbours quite a bit. The other day, we had a most bizarre conversation.

He started talking about the whole BLM thing and dismissed it as "nonsense" and a few less printable words.

Now, the thing is, my neighbour is black. He then told me stories of being beaten up by the police when he was growing up in Manchester.

As you might imagine, I was somewhat bewildered.

Nowt as queer as folk, as they say in Yorkshire.
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One of the curious side effects of these times is that I've been talking to one of my neighbours quite a bit. The other day, we had a most bizarre conversation.

He started talking about the whole BLM thing and dismissed it as "nonsense" and a few less printable words.

Now, the thing is, my neighbour is black. He then told me stories of being beaten up by the police when he was growing up in Manchester.

As you might imagine, I was somewhat bewildered.

Nowt as queer as folk, as they say in Yorkshire.
He might be losing his marbles. I hope he finds them soon.
One of the curious side effects of these times is that I've been talking to one of my neighbours quite a bit. The other day, we had a most bizarre conversation.

He started talking about the whole BLM thing and dismissed it as "nonsense" and a few less printable words.

Now, the thing is, my neighbour is black. He then told me stories of being beaten up by the police when he was growing up in Manchester.

As you might imagine, I was somewhat bewildered.

Nowt as queer as folk, as they say in Yorkshire.

Even Covid-19 is discriminating against Black Americans. Higher mortality rates. A lot probably has to do with poverty rates. Poorer people get poorer health care. And, people who think discrimination has nothing to do with household income by race, they live in a parallel universe.

BTW, Duck, your neighbor was only beaten up. He wasn't shot seven times in the back by a cop. He didn't have a cop put a knee on his neck until he died. He wasn't shot dead by a cop for being an "intruder" ... in his own home. It is not "nonsense."

Even Covid-19 is discriminating against Black Americans. Higher mortality rates.

There is some evidence that even when inequalities, lifestyle and other environmental factors are taken into account, certain racial groups are more likely to die from Covid19. It isn't quite understood why this is.

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