How is the corona virus affecting you?

epicuric I had thoughts of going to Cyprus in October but they're not allowing portuguese in and anyway Ledra crossing is closed. I sincerely hope you make it and that you enjoy your trip.
Thank you LissaC! This trip was postponed from May when we went into lockdown. We re-scheduled it in early April, hoping that things would be back to normal by now. A bit naïve in retrospect. Many things we planned to do will still not be possible. As you say, the border is closed, so the planned few days at the top of the pan-handle is not going to happen. We had also intended to spend a couple of days in Jerusalem. Hey ho, the sea will be warm, the beer cold. and the food fantastic.
I was supposed to be in the Seychelles with a layover in Rome back in April but that trip has been postponed indefinitely, I don't think I'm going anywhere this year sadly. I could travel some places but I don't think I'd be able to relax and enjoy with everything that's going on.

I went to Israel last year and I loved it, Jerusalem is magical. And Tel Aviv is a wonderful city and the sea is warm as well. Really great travelling choices.
I'm glad you're getting to travel a bit, epicuric, even if it's not going exactly the way you planned.

Like everyone else, plans cancelled this year, three trips. :(. MrsTasty is still considering going to Florida next month for a wedding, but I'm definitely not going, and I think she's bonkers to go, personally, so maybe that's just 2.5 plans cancelled for us. 😕
I heard today that our post office has a list of destinations displayed to which they are refusing to post mail. Europe and Australia are on the list.

Our "government" has decided that our mail system was working too well, which had nothing to do with Covid on its own, but everything to do with mail-in ballots for the 2020 election, that are (were) expected to be used by a lot of people because of Covid. 12 more years!


If BLM, why is there so many black on black murders, including drive bys? These athletes talk about "social injustice", but I've never heard them speak out about black on black crime.

Both of my next door neighbors are black, I mentioned that to my mom, and her response was, "That's not good." Probably worried I will get caught in the crossfire of that black on black crime. I gave one of them a key to my house for emergencies. Was that a bad idea?

BTW, even though most violent crimes committed against black people are committed by black people, it is also true that most violent crimes against white people are committed by white people. So, how about white on white crimes?

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Mod.Comment: Anything off topic thenceforth will be moved to a new thread. :D


I'm glad you're getting to travel a bit, epicuric, even if it's not going exactly the way you planned.

Like everyone else, plans cancelled this year, three trips. :(. MrsTasty is still considering going to Florida next month for a wedding, but I'm definitely not going, and I think she's bonkers to go, personally, so maybe that's just 2.5 plans cancelled for us. 😕
To be honest, I wouldn't be that disappointed if it were cancelled last minute. Apart from not being able to do all the things we had planned I do feel a bit guilty going on holiday (and whingeing about it) when so many people have serious problems to deal with. Florida is a hotspot I believe? I hope Mrs Tasty is more covid aware than my wife. Sometimes the whole hand/mask/surface cleaning thing seems forgotten.
To be honest, I wouldn't be that disappointed if it were cancelled last minute. Apart from not being able to do all the things we had planned I do feel a bit guilty going on holiday (and whingeing about it) when so many people have serious problems to deal with. Florida is a hotspot I believe? I hope Mrs Tasty is more covid aware than my wife. Sometimes the whole hand/mask/surface cleaning thing seems forgotten.

I'm thinking that even if I had a house/apartment to go to abroad, I wouldn't want the hassle and risk at the moment. There are too many cases of people being infected on flights. If I went anywhere I'd drive not fly. But you are younger than me epicuric and maybe not at such risk if you happen to get the virus. For me its the fear as much as the inconvenience.

I'm thinking I may go to a restaurant soon. There are some new places mentioned in the Michelin guide in Kent which are driving distance and not in town centres. I would feel relatively OK in a good non city centre restaurant, I think. Lately, cases are lower in Kent.
I'm thinking that even if I had a house/apartment to go to abroad, I wouldn't want the hassle and risk at the moment. There are too many cases of people being infected on flights. If I went anywhere I'd drive not fly. But you are younger than me epicuric and maybe not at such risk if you happen to get the virus. For me its the fear as much as the inconvenience.

I'm thinking I may go to a restaurant soon. There are some new places mentioned in the Michelin guide in Kent which are driving distance and not in town centres. I would feel relatively OK in a good non city centre restaurant, I think. Lately, cases are lower in Kent.
How about a patio restaurant, are there any within proximity? I felt much better about being outside than indoors (I went to an outdoor patio to dine with my sister a few weeks ago).

My husband's cousin is a server in a restaurant and she absolutely hates it these days. It bothers her that her customers don't have to wear masks while seated, though she understands that they can't possibly do so while eating and drinking.
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