How is the corona virus affecting you?

My niece just sent out invitations to her April 2021 wedding down in Savannah, Georgia, which is probably an 11-hour drive from where I live in Ohio. I am not eager to get on a plane, for one, so driving would be the only option, and I don't want to have to stop and use the restroom anywhere on the way. How likely is it that I can "hold it" for 11 hours? My husband immediately stated he wasn't going, so I would have to drive alone, which I don't like to do for long road trips. Secondly, the wedding is in a church and she has invited about 150 people. Social distancing or not, I am not eager to spend an hour or more inside of a church with a bunch of other people, most of whom I will not know and will have no idea if they are as careful as I have been with self-isolation, mask wearing, and good hygiene. And the reception is another indoor venue with eating and drinking, so that will mean not much mask-wearing going on, plus after people are drinking, they will likely be less careful to social distance. Then there is the staying in a hotel part. Not a fan of that idea, either, no matter how great the hotel staff has been at sanitizing things, all it takes is one slip-up and I could contract the virus.

Since March I have managed to stay COVID free and would like to stay that way. I have been so very careful, missing out on socializing with my friends and family, missing out on going out to restaurants and bars, and missing out on vacations that I normally would have taken by now and will miss the ones I usually take in the late fall and winter. I actually enjoy shopping in person and haven't been able to do that, either. I don't want to disappoint her, but I also don't want to risk my health. I don't imagine there is going to be a safe and effective vaccine by April. I would love to be more optimistic but I just don't see it.

Hopefully she and her fiance will offer a ZOOM option for those of us who will not be attending.

In your case don't go and risk it after all you have been through.

In your case don't go and risk it after all you have been through.

Right, I already had made up my mind I am not going, it's just a matter of how long I will wait to let her know? My sister (her mother) has told me to "wait and see what happens, it's still seven months away" and so I will, but I already know the answer. And even if they do have a vaccine by then, experts are suggesting it might be a two-dose vaccine like the shingles vaccine, with which the second dose is administered 2-6 months after the 1st. I guess the end of December should be enough notice for her.
Right, I already had made up my mind I am not going, it's just a matter of how long I will wait to let her know? My sister (her mother) has told me to "wait and see what happens, it's still seven months away" and so I will, but I already know the answer. And even if they do have a vaccine by then, experts are suggesting it might be a two-dose vaccine like the shingles vaccine, with which the second dose is administered 2-6 months after the 1st. I guess the end of December should be enough notice for her.

It really is bad in your country. The world is in a bad place at the moment. Stay safe!!

My niece just sent out invitations to her April 2021 wedding down in Savannah, Georgia, which is probably an 11-hour drive from where I live in Ohio. I am not eager to get on a plane, for one, so driving would be the only option, and I don't want to have to stop and use the restroom anywhere on the way. How likely is it that I can "hold it" for 11 hours? My husband immediately stated he wasn't going, so I would have to drive alone, which I don't like to do for long road trips. Secondly, the wedding is in a church and she has invited about 150 people. Social distancing or not, I am not eager to spend an hour or more inside of a church with a bunch of other people, most of whom I will not know and will have no idea if they are as careful as I have been with self-isolation, mask wearing, and good hygiene. And the reception is another indoor venue with eating and drinking, so that will mean not much mask-wearing going on, plus after people are drinking, they will likely be less careful to social distance. Then there is the staying in a hotel part. Not a fan of that idea, either, no matter how great the hotel staff has been at sanitizing things, all it takes is one slip-up and I could contract the virus.

Since March I have managed to stay COVID free and would like to stay that way. I have been so very careful, missing out on socializing with my friends and family, missing out on going out to restaurants and bars, and missing out on vacations that I normally would have taken by now and will miss the ones I usually take in the late fall and winter. I actually enjoy shopping in person and haven't been able to do that, either. I don't want to disappoint her, but I also don't want to risk my health. I don't imagine there is going to be a safe and effective vaccine by April. I would love to be more optimistic but I just don't see it.

Hopefully she and her fiance will offer a ZOOM option for those of us who will not be attending.

I drove from Road Atlanta in Georgia to Dallas along with another Audi in just under 8 hours. Stopped once to pee and grab a burger. That's 858 miles. 107.94 average mph, including that stop. Dayton to Savannah is only 718 miles. I'm thinking between 6 and 7 hours? Can you hold it that long?

BTW, I won't be doing that again. That was a white-knuckle drive.

Don't wear a mask on a plane? Get your a$$ kicked... then thrown off the plane and arrested.


We've had a recent spike in cases in the Cardiff area, due to a plane returning from Zante carrying a load of holidaymakers who had not been following guidelines. Airline staff were not actively enforcing mask wearing. Hopefully this incident will prompt a tightening up of procedures.
I'm thinking I may go to a restaurant soon.
We've only been to a restaurant once since March (village pub). Their covid measures were exemplary, and as it was a Monday lunchtime we were one of only two tables occupied in the restaurant. We felt perfectly safe, but the atmosphere was strange and we've not felt compelled to go back.
epicuric I had thoughts of going to Cyprus in October but they're not allowing portuguese in and anyway Ledra crossing is closed. I sincerely hope you make it and that you enjoy your trip.
Just checked Cyprus travel restrictions update and Portugal is currently in Category B, same as UK. This means you can fly there providing you supply a negative test result taken within the 72 hours prior to boarding.
Until the toughest restriction in the world (according to Oxford University) were relaxed and some people threw caution to the wind.I was angry. I have very little interest in the virus now. My life has not changed that much, my wife and I have learned to adapt. What am I missing, my days of getting pissed in a club or pub and kissing and hugging complete strangers finished long ago. We wear our masks, was our hand and I don't let anyone get in our personal space. The last bit is second nature to both of us because of our M/A training.
145 new cases, in hospitals a total of 258 people
In the past 24 hours, 145 new cases were recorded, so the number of currently ill (active cases) in Croatia today is 2,492. Among them, 258 patients are in hospital, of which 14 are on a respirator. In the past 24 hours, 2,995 people were tested.
Since February 25, 2020, when the first case of infection was recorded in Croatia, a total of 10,414 people infected with the new coronavirus have been recorded, of which 145 in the past 24 hours.

7,735 people have recovered , and one hundred and eighty-seven people have died so far.

To date, a total of 171,224 people have been tested, of which 2,995 in the last 24 hours.

There are currently 8,808 people in self-isolation.
I'm sorry, what about your health costs ?

I had a quote for health insurance in 2000. Eq £600.00 p.a. I didn't take it up. I had another 2 years ago (I was 69) - Eq £4,000.00 p.a. I didn't take that up either.

I pay for any hospital/doctor costs from my savings. Luckily, over the last 20 years, the total cost has amounted to around £120.00 (which included a one night "joke" stay in hospital in 2012). It could be suggested that I've saved £46,000.00 in premiums over those years so I'm still in front :okay:.
I had a quote for health insurance in 2000.
This has nothing to do with the EU. As a UK pensioner expat who my younger non pensioner wife is classed as my dependent. All our basic healthcare costs (hospital, doctor visits meds etc) are sent directly to the UK for payment. The paperwork was sent here as proof of permanent residence. I filled it in, we then got a certificate that we sent to the health department in Split. Our health cards arrived 7 days later. If you are receiving a pension from the UK you should be able to get this ? The form is in case you did not know S1 You must contact HMRC National Insurance enquiries to find out if you're eligible.
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Since February 25, 2020, when the first case of infection was recorded in Croatia, a total of 10,414 people infected with the new coronavirus have been recorded, of which 145 in the past 24 hours.

7,735 people have recovered , and one hundred and eighty-seven people have died so far.

To date, a total of 171,224 people have been tested, of which 2,995 in the last 24 hours.

There are currently 8,808 people in self-isolation.

647,688 cases.

13,061 deaths.

That's just in Texas.

6,257,938 cases.

188,902 deaths.

That's the US total. And our president still has a chance at a second term.

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