How is the corona virus affecting you?

Just to make my position on Covid clear. I am in the very vulnerable age and health group. Covid does not dominate my way of life. I respect all the rules distance, mask, washing my hands, wearing gloves etc. The main self control for me is I don't get pissed and exchange any sort of fluids with strangers. We avoid venues where this is likely to happen. Our day to day life is very similar to pre covid. Nb Podstrana and Strorec had 60/70% of the tourism it had last year. The season ended last month, my daily temp is still 35.5 c as it has been since March.
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Wow, just watched The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and fresh out of the 1980s, Jon Bon Jovi was on as a guest. I learned a lot, like that he has been married for 31 years, to his high school sweetheart. Not what people expect from a rockstar. He also has a foundation that has distributed 238 tons of food to people during the Covid-19 pandemic.

He and his band also have a new album out, called 2020. Here is a song about Covid-19...


It's hard to know exactly what treatment Trump got, and what his condition was.. or is. His physician (not and MD) has been evasive.

Doesn't matter. Trump told the nation today not to be afraid of Covid-19. It is no worse than the flu. He also repeated the absolutely false claim the the flu kills more people than Covid-19. There were 35 million cases of flu in the 2018-2019 flue season in the US. 34,000 deaths. In 2020, we have has 7.7 million cases of Covid-19, and 215,000 deaths. His best though, was the idea that life should return to normal and Americans should learn to live with the virus.

Auckland goes down to level 1 tonight. I have friends up there that are going nuts. Rugby and racecourses are all open in the South Island. With no social distancing, real people at rugby. We have a rugby test against Australia coming up. Normality!! Unlike most of the world.

Nb Podstrana and Strorec had 60/70% of the tourism it had last year. The season ended last month, my daily temp is still 35.5 c as it has been since March.
What I was crudely trying to say was the second wave of Covid started here when foreign national tourists were let in. The number of cases is in decline because the season is over. We have learned to live with it in a very touristy area, others obviously have not. Alcohol abuse in my opinion plays a major part in transmission.
Many people subscribe to this statement, including me. Is it time we learned to live with the virus?

There are arguments for and against. I'm erring on the side of caution. The longer term effects of Covid are still not known. Last night on Newsnight, Prof Mark Woolhouse, an expert in infectious disease at Edinburgh University stated that immunity does last in people who have survived covid. I really don't know how he can know this. He is also quoted in the BBC article above.
There are arguments for and against. I'm erring on the side of caution. The longer term effects of Covid are still not known. Last night on Newsnight, Prof Mark Woolhouse, an expert in infectious disease at Edinburgh University stated that immunity does last in people who have survived covid. I really don't know how he can know this. He is also quoted in the BBC article above.

There are documented cases of people getting Covid-19 twice (stay away from those people). They have also done research where they check people who have recovered from the virus for Covid-19 antibodies, which would make them immune, and in test subjects, antibodies have been seen to reduce over time.

As for "getting used to it," to me that means getting used to wearing masks, washing your hands, and social distancing. To Trump, it appears to mean, get used to people (other than me) dying. Getting the economy back in shape is worth some sacrifices (but not me) in order to secure my place in history -- in a good way, of course.

There are arguments for and against. I'm erring on the side of caution. The longer term effects of Covid are still not known. Last night on Newsnight, Prof Mark Woolhouse, an expert in infectious disease at Edinburgh University stated that immunity does last in people who have survived covid. I really don't know how he can know this. He is also quoted in the BBC article above.
I have both feet planted on the side of caution hence my previous post. But we will not abandon our life style we have adapted it. Example we have three large malls near us. They have been open right through the outbreak. The common rules are applied strictly by mall security and shops. If this did not work Split would be decimated. On the beaches Police and Local Authority officers make sure the beach rules are enforced. We went to Split this morning on the bus, everyone including the driver was wearing masks.
One annoying spin-off from this whole situation was amply demonstrated this morning when we pottered out to do a bit of shopping and pay for the paper deliveries. The high street was littered with disposable masks. Er, when we say disposable, halfwits, we don't mean "dispose of them on the ground."

Mind you, that paled somewhat when talking to our newsagent. He was the victim of a robbery at his shop last week when a couple of thugs attacked him and stole £500. The truly absurd thing is that they were people he recognised, so it didn't exactly take long for the polis to nab them. Reading the reports, they weren't even young yobbos - one was 28 and the other 39.

Recent events seem to suggest that we're getting a very dim type of criminal in Fife these days.
I have both feet planted on the side of caution hence my previous post. But we will not abandon our life style we have adapted it. Example we have three large malls near us. They have been open right through the outbreak. The common rules are applied strictly by mall security and shops. If this did not work Split would be decimated. On the beaches Police and Local Authority officers make sure the beach rules are enforced. We went to Split this morning on the bus, everyone including the driver was wearing masks.

That is in line with what I meant by "get used to it." People who say, "Masks are hot and uncomfortable, so I'm not going to wear one" are not getting used to it, they are expecting Covid-19 to adapt to their desires. Well, the virus does not care what we want.

If I need to wear a mask in public spaces to reduce the spread of Covid-19, I'm okay with that. I've gotten "used to it."

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