How is the corona virus affecting you?

The one minor irritant I have with wearing a face covering is that because I wear glasses, they steam up easily. That, rest assured, is indeed a very minor complaint. I'll take steamed-up lenses any day over this filthy illness.

Oh, yes. I only need reading glasses, which I need for reading package ingredients and nutritional information when I shop. When I put my glasses on with a mask, they fog up. I scoot them down my nose a bit, and they stay pretty clear.

The one minor irritant I have with wearing a face covering is that because I wear glasses, they steam up easily. That, rest assured, is indeed a very minor complaint. I'll take steamed-up lenses any day over this filthy illness.
I wear glasses all the time, blind as a bat without them. What works for me is to first put my mask on way up high, right under my eyes, so close that when I blink, I can feel the top edge of my mask with my lower eyelids.

Then, I pull the mask down just slightly, just enough to keep from feeling it with my eyes. That allows me to wear my glasses normally, which is very important, as they're progressives, and they don't fog up.

I'm sure my mask looks like an old man wearing his trousers up to his armpits, but it gets the job done.
I have lung damage from embolisms and even I have taken to wearing a mask. I hate my glasses fogging up, but the breathing is surprisingly fine. So I don't get that healthy people claim they can't breathe in them. I am as out of breath as usual.
So yes, minor issues indeed but nothing compared to getting corona.
The one minor irritant I have with wearing a face covering is that because I wear glasses, they steam up easily. That, rest assured, is indeed a very minor complaint. I'll take steamed-up lenses any day over this filthy illness.
Oh, yes. I only need reading glasses, which I need for reading package ingredients and nutritional information when I shop. When I put my glasses on with a mask, they fog up. I scoot them down my nose a bit, and they stay pretty clear.

Then, I pull the mask down just slightly, just enough to keep from feeling it with my eyes. That allows me to wear my glasses normally, which is very important, as they're progressives, and they don't fog up.

Have you tried Anti Fog? It's designed for use on car windscreens to stop them fogging up. Works well with glasses too.
How do you Defog a scuba mask?
This can be done with toothpaste you gently rub on the lens and rinse off in the water just before you put on the mask. Instead of bringing toothpaste on each dive you can also use spit. For an easy clean: just before you go diving, spit in the mask, rub it around and rinse it with water.
When I used to dive I killed two birds with one stone. I would brush my teeth then gob in my mask.
How do you Defog a scuba mask?
This can be done with toothpaste you gently rub on the lens and rinse off in the water just before you put on the mask. Instead of bringing toothpaste on each dive you can also use spit. For an easy clean: just before you go diving, spit in the mask, rub it around and rinse it with water.
When I used to dive I killed two birds with one stone. I would brush my teeth then gob in my mask.

i always just spit in my mask.

Another sign of the apocalypse.

Apparently, 6 men plotted to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, the governor of Michigan, at her vacation home, but the FBI caught onto the plot and rounded them up. The plan was apparently to hold a "trial" for her "crimes" of requiring businesses to adopt safety precautions due to COVID-19.

Feds bust alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer

And we wonder why people around the world think Americans are crazy and dangerous?
Another sign of the apocalypse.

Apparently, 6 men plotted to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, the governor of Michigan, at her vacation home, but the FBI caught onto the plot and rounded them up. The plan was apparently to hold a "trial" for her "crimes" of requiring businesses to adopt safety precautions due to COVID-19.

Feds bust alleged plot to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer

And we wonder why people around the world think Americans are crazy and dangerous?

I just read about that about 30-minutes ago. Right now, in 2020, it doesn't surprise me. :rolleyes:

There really are a lot of anti government people and groups in the us. People who live off the grid like the bomber that blew up the federal building. That doco was good. His name escapes me ATM.


Timothy McVeigh. He was executed for that deadly terrorist act. His sidekick, Terry Nichols, is serving life in a federal supermax prison -- which I've heard is worse than the death penalty. 23 hours per day in your solitary cell, with one hour outside -- in a cage.


Over the last three years, it has been White Supremacist groups that have grown the most. 55-percent growth between 2017 and 2019. Even more in 2020, I'm sure.

The group arrested today wanted to kidnap Governor Whitmer and put her on trial for treason, fo closing down some businesses and mandating masks in public, so it was Covid-19 related. Michigan has had problems with armed protesters showing up at the state capital. Instead of signs, they waved AR-15 military style rifles.


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Timothy McVeigh. He was executed for that deadly terrorist act.

Over the last three years, it has been White Supremacist groups that have grown the most. 55-percent growth between 2017 and 2019. Even more in 2020, I'm sure.

The group arrested today wanted to kidnap Governor Whitmer and put her on trial for treason, fo closing down some businesses and mandating masks in public, so it was Covid-19 related. Michigan has had problems with armed protester showing up at the state capital. Instead of signs, they had AR-15 military style rifles.

I don't know why I still find myself thinking that wacko things like this can't happen in my state. But wackos are everywhere (certainly in this country), so I should stop being surprised.
Timothy McVeigh. He was executed for that deadly terrorist act.

Over the last three years, it has been White Supremacist groups that have grown the most. 55-percent growth between 2017 and 2019. Even more in 2020, I'm sure.

The group arrested today wanted to kidnap Governor Whitmer and put her on trial for treason, fo closing down some businesses and mandating masks in public, so it was Covid-19 related. Michigan has had problems with armed protester showing up at the state capital. Instead of signs, they had AR-15 military style rifles.


That's him, and also a guy Kosinski?
I read that article posted. We have far right groups here as well, the guy that did the mosque killings here a year ago posted it live to groups all around the world.

That's him, and also a guy Kosinski?
I read that article posted. We have far right groups here as well, the guy that did the mosque killings here a year ago posted it live to groups all around the world.


Ted Kazinski. The Unibomber. He wasn't part of a group. He is just insane.

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