How is the corona virus affecting you?

But you're in lockdown in the UK aren't you?

No - some northern regions are having further restrictions imposed and/or pubs and restaurants closed. Where I live everything is allowed to open as usual, people are going to work, Universities are back and kids at school. The only restrictions are the need to wear a mask indoors in shops etc. In restaurants and pubs, masks have to be worn when moving about but not if sitting at a table. There is also a restriction on the number who can meet from different households.
Portugal passed the mark of over 1,000 new infections per day last week (we are a country of 10 milion people), probably driven by the fact that schools reopened in mid September...
Our country has now officially become the top scorer for infection rates on the European continent. We have had a week of daily 6000+ infections on a populace of 17 million. We're deep in the reds, and things aren't looking up much. I'm staying inside as much as possible.
The government is discussing a possible second lockdown after the weekend, which will mean another delay in the treatment of our very ill son, and also the possiblity that he will be here again for weeks on end without any distractions.
I'm really not happy with this at all, we're getting so little relief and he only needs more help by the day.

Texas has had 4,447 per day average this week. We have 29-million people. So, right now, The Netherlands are doing pretty bad, with 17.5 million people. We've been at 6,000 per day several times, so I know what you are feeling -- except I don't have your family situation to deal with. I hope you can get your son in for treatment before another shutdown.

Just when you think you've answered the question "How thick is it possible to be?" then someone raises (or is that lowers?) the bar.

The (dire) pub in our street has outdoor seats at the front. Yesterday, we saw five youths (probably 18 to 20, I'd guess) arrive. One of them produced a bottle from his pocket. I couldn't say for sure what it was, but it looked like Jaegermeister or some such filth. He proceeded to take a swig from it before handing it onto the next one. This was repeated until all five had done so. Not one of them even bothered to wipe the rim of the bottle before drinking from it.
Texas has had 4,447 per day average this week. We have 29-million people. So, right now, The Netherlands are doing pretty bad, with 17.5 million people. We've been at 6,000 per day several times, so I know what you are feeling -- except I don't have your family situation to deal with. I hope you can get your son in for treatment before another shutdown.


Yes, they are doing really badly. People here are just incredibly bull headed.

And the new measures will be announced tuesday 19.00, exactly when they land on our doorstep for the long weekend. Crossing my fingers that they won't close the mental health facilities again.
Our country has now officially become the top scorer for infection rates on the European continent. We have had a week of daily 6000+ infections on a populace of 17 million. We're deep in the reds, and things aren't looking up much. I'm staying inside as much as possible.
The government is discussing a possible second lockdown after the weekend, which will mean another delay in the treatment of our very ill son, and also the possiblity that he will be here again for weeks on end without any distractions.
I'm really not happy with this at all, we're getting so little relief and he only needs more help by the day.
I'm really sorry to hear this. One of the things I look forward to when I check in each day is an update from you on your situation, and I've been alternating between commiserating and cheering for you the last few weeks.

Stay strong, I'm convinced you've got better days just ahead, you've just got to power through it. I know that's not much help, but we're pulling for you over here.
I've stopped following the actual numbers, I just look at the transmission rate, which was down to about .85 a couple of weeks ago and is now at about 1.08 - not good.

I know the a recent update from our governor said that the uptick doesn't seem to be from restaurants and bars, but from family gatherings and people just getting lax about the whole thing. Just by my observation, I'd say mask usage at the places I go (groceries, mainly) is maybe 75%.
I'm really sorry to hear this. One of the things I look forward to when I check in each day is an update from you on your situation, and I've been alternating between commiserating and cheering for you the last few weeks.

Stay strong, I'm convinced you've got better days just ahead, you've just got to power through it. I know that's not much help, but we're pulling for you over here.

Aww really , you're too kind 🙏

I realise I forgot to update about the medical situation for myself.
The ulcer turned out to be a pressure sore, with new material it healed on it's own. Nothing scary this time! Phew.
And I also spoke to the hematologist. My cholesterol is ' perfect' as is my blood sugar ( don't have diabetes but they always check) , my kindneys are fine ( good news cause they are at risk from having no colon and my medication) and my meds work well. Less good is that they're still unsure whether I have lupus causing the blood clots ( could be yes or no still to be proven) and that my coughing and shortness of breath is caused by lung damage and may take years to get better.

I am okay otherwise, am significantly less stressed after a few relatively normal weeks. Hope this trend continues.

Only thing that bothers me is that I am still too occupied to spend much time reading up on you lot here at cookingbites, whom I do also care for.
Just received my anti-covid test result : Negative.
I’m so relieved now

What I wonder though is as you had flown straight from the UK and if you had picked up the virus just before leaving, would it show in a test so soon? I'm not au fait with the science but I thought it could 'incubate' for quite a few days.
What I wonder though is as you had flown straight from the UK and if you had picked up the virus just before leaving, would it show in a test so soon? I'm not au fait with the science but I thought it could 'incubate' for quite a few days.

There are exceptions, but the virus incubation time is 5 days on average. This is the first necessary step but needs further steps later.
I've stopped following the actual numbers, I just look at the transmission rate, which was down to about .85 a couple of weeks ago and is now at about 1.08 - not good.

I know the a recent update from our governor said that the uptick doesn't seem to be from restaurants and bars, but from family gatherings and people just getting lax about the whole thing. Just by my observation, I'd say mask usage at the places I go (groceries, mainly) is maybe 75%.

Being in Texas, I am really surprised that, in my town, at least, I don't see anyone trying to enter a public place without a mask. I do see young men playing pick-up basketball games at the local park (with no masks), but otherwise, not a lot of stupid behavior.

I watched these highlights, I'm in my 70 th year. Having followed American politics from the day I saw my Mum and Dad crying when they returned from a restaurant to be told by my big brother Kennedy had been assassinated. These highlight must be deeply embarrassing for rational Americans. What has happened to the brilliant Democratic strategist who came over to assist the Labour party defeat the Tories. They were a revelation to me and the Party. Biden should be told to shut up and let Trump hang himself. Statesmen do not interrupt, silence is a very strong debating tool. Without interruption Trump would ramble like the fool he is.

Were you surprised that he refuses to do the next debate because they were going to make it virtual. Apparently, he is super paranoid that somebody will feed Biden the questions and/or answers. Personally, I think it's because he doesn't want the moderator to have control over turning off his mike. That wouldn't even be an issue if he would stop interrupting. Basic manners would be helpful. ;-)
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