This past Thursday, I participated in the Johnson and Johnson COVID vaccine trial. I’m not sure if I mentioned it before, but my wife participated in the Pfizer trial, and based on her reactions, I’m certain she received the vaccine. she had a massive headache after each of the two injections, as well as fatigue, and nausea.
Since I signed her up for that one, she kept signing me up for every trial she could find until I was accepted in one. It’s a different formulation, and we have different biologies, so my reaction was a bit different. In my case, I had a mild headache, lightheadedness, and a ringing in one of my ears that comes and goes. There are other explanations for all of these things, but it’s too much of a coincidence for them to occur after having the injection.
in both cases, we weren’t informed whether or not we had the vaccine or a placebo. We are still being as careful as we were before, but it’s a nice feeling that two people of a certain age may have gotten an early jump on the vaccinations that are just starting now.
Another cool bonus: we were paid to participate in the trial. I got $235 the day I visited, and I will be paid for each follow up appointment.
There are a surprising number of people who are against getting vaccines of any kind. we really need to get a 70% participation rate to rein in this pandemic. I think paying them to get the vaccine would be a nice incentive, but I doubt the federal government will do that.
I hope you both come out of it with no complications. Thanks for contributing to the research of this vaccine. ;-)