How is the corona virus affecting you?

This past Thursday, I participated in the Johnson and Johnson COVID vaccine trial. I’m not sure if I mentioned it before, but my wife participated in the Pfizer trial, and based on her reactions, I’m certain she received the vaccine. she had a massive headache after each of the two injections, as well as fatigue, and nausea.

Since I signed her up for that one, she kept signing me up for every trial she could find until I was accepted in one. It’s a different formulation, and we have different biologies, so my reaction was a bit different. In my case, I had a mild headache, lightheadedness, and a ringing in one of my ears that comes and goes. There are other explanations for all of these things, but it’s too much of a coincidence for them to occur after having the injection.

in both cases, we weren’t informed whether or not we had the vaccine or a placebo. We are still being as careful as we were before, but it’s a nice feeling that two people of a certain age may have gotten an early jump on the vaccinations that are just starting now.

Another cool bonus: we were paid to participate in the trial. I got $235 the day I visited, and I will be paid for each follow up appointment.

There are a surprising number of people who are against getting vaccines of any kind. we really need to get a 70% participation rate to rein in this pandemic. I think paying them to get the vaccine would be a nice incentive, but I doubt the federal government will do that.

I hope you both come out of it with no complications. Thanks for contributing to the research of this vaccine. ;-)
I hope you both come out of it with no complications. Thanks for contributing to the research of this vaccine. ;-)
Thank you. It's pretty exciting being a part of this. The only issue I've had after the first day has been the ringing in my ear. This is still a small price to pay to feel safe.

Oh...I forgot to mention that we both had to get the COVID test. This is basically what it looks like, in case you haven't seen. The swab is inserted into the nostril and pushed in until it touches your brain. Slight exaggeration, but that's how it felt. The one I got was actually a quicker version of what my wife got: in her case, the nurse counted to 10 - slowly - before removing it. Mine was quicker than that, but it still has a bizarre tickling sensation.

Thank you. It's pretty exciting being a part of this. The only issue I've had after the first day has been the ringing in my ear. This is still a small price to pay to feel safe.

Oh...I forgot to mention that we both had to get the COVID test. This is basically what it looks like, in case you haven't seen. The swab is inserted into the nostril and pushed in until it touches your brain. Slight exaggeration, but that's how it felt. The one I got was actually a quicker version of what my wife got: in her case, the nurse counted to 10 - slowly - before removing it. Mine was quicker than that, but it still has a bizarre tickling sensation.

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I can only imagine how exciting it must feel to be part of something so spectacular.

I've had 4 tests (required by various doctors prior to outpatient surgeries). I tested positive last month and had to be quarantined for 14 days. All 4 of the tests were relatively painless (I gave birth twice with NO drugs or interventions, so I am pretty tough ;-).

I hope the ringing in the ear stops soon and you are now immune to the virus. I hope for the best for Mrs. Late Night Gourmet as well.
Thank you. It's pretty exciting being a part of this. The only issue I've had after the first day has been the ringing in my ear. This is still a small price to pay to feel safe.

Oh...I forgot to mention that we both had to get the COVID test. This is basically what it looks like, in case you haven't seen. The swab is inserted into the nostril and pushed in until it touches your brain. Slight exaggeration, but that's how it felt. The one I got was actually a quicker version of what my wife got: in her case, the nurse counted to 10 - slowly - before removing it. Mine was quicker than that, but it still has a bizarre tickling sensation.

View attachment 52734
I had that back in the H1N1 flu pandemic (I tested positive). Mine was super fast. My brother got the swab for the Covid test (he tested negative) and that's how he found out he has a deviated septum, one of the nostrils was very painful and the other was not.
I've had 4 tests (required by various doctors prior to outpatient surgeries). I tested positive last month and had to be quarantined for 14 days. All 4 of the tests were relatively painless (I gave birth twice with NO drugs or interventions, so I am pretty tough ;-).
Other than the quarantine, I hope you didn't have any symptoms or lasting effects. I know that some who catch it have lasting effects. My family doctor lost his sense of taste and smell, and it's very slowly coming back. And, he was one of the lucky ones.

And, I think you'll appreciate this. When my wife reported severe headaches, she was asked by the (female) nurse to rate the pain "from one to child birth" (where 1 = minimal, and 10 = child birth); fortunately, her pain was somewhere in the middle!
Since my heart attack I get a free flu jab each year. Every year the vaccine is different to keep up with new mutations. Each year I get a "reaction" for 48 hrs. Bugger all really compared to catching real flu.
I'm in the first 300 of my doctors priority list, We are behind the UK in roll out as. The European Medicines Agency plans to convene a meeting by Dec. 29 to decide if there is enough safety and efficacy data about the vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech for it to be approved.
Anti vaxxers I tend not to waste any of my intellect on the knuckle dragging cretins.
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Another cool bonus: we were paid to participate in the trial. I got $235 the day I visited, and I will be paid for each follow up appointment.
I volunteered to take part in the Viagra trials back in the day. Even though I offered to do it for free and bring my own literature they rejected me.
I had that back in the H1N1 flu pandemic (I tested positive). Mine was super fast. My brother got the swab for the Covid test (he tested negative) and that's how he found out he has a deviated septum, one of the nostrils was very painful and the other was not.

I have had the swab stuck up my nose. People ask if it was painful, and I describe it as "very uncomfortable," but not painful. I have a deviated septum, and it didn't seem to make a difference in my particular case.

I have had the swab stuck up my nose. People ask if it was painful, and I describe it as "very uncomfortable," but not painful. I have a deviated septum, and it didn't seem to make a difference in my particular case.

I have a deviated septum too, and also didn't feel any difference between nostrils. "Very uncomfortable but not painful" is a good description of the procedure, anyway they did it really fast, a couple of seconds and it was done.
I have a deviated septum too, and also didn't feel any difference between nostrils. "Very uncomfortable but not painful" is a good description of the procedure, anyway they did it really fast, a couple of seconds and it was done.

A deviated septum is more common than one would think. The fact that I have broken my nose a few times doesn't help, but it is common in my family.

I will be getting a Covid test this week before I can get my %&^$ surgery finally done. It is probably more unpleasant when you know what is coming. :laugh:

A deviated septum is more common than one would think. The fact that I have broken my nose a few times doesn't help, but it is common in my family.

I will be getting a Covid test this week before I can get my %&^$ surgery finally done. It is probably more unpleasant when you know what is coming. :laugh:


Hope it all goes well with your surgery, hope it's something minor.
We're heading for a full lockdown because we've had a week of 10.000 infections a day.
Normally the government makes annoucements on tuesday, but it's today due to the nature of the crisis. It will only be the prime minister speaking ( normally it's two or three ministers) , which only happened once before with the full lockdown in March. So it's reasonable to expect a full lockdown now.
I had a displaced septum a good many years back and had an operation to fix it. The only nasty bit is when they pull out the padding a few days later - it's a weird feeling. I think what makes it feel like that is that you can feel something touching a part of you that you can't reach. Makes me shudder even now.
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I had a little camera on the end of a flexible hose stuck up my nose and into my sinuses years ago. That was a very...unusual feeling, like having someone running their finger along the inside of my face.
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