Yes, if folks can't watch this video, they can still do some searching for a comparison of the two pandemics.
When the pandemic of 1918 first broke out in the US, our president (Woodrow Wilson) played it down, told people not to worry, go about your normal routine -- it will go away. Sound familiar? In 1918, people were told to wear masks to slow the spread of the pandemic, and some states and localities made them required in public, and a very vocal group of people protested, refused to wear masks, and claimed their constitutional rights were being trampled. Sound familiar? Many states that did have rules about masks and "social distancing," ended those mandates too soon, and encouraged people to go back to their normal routines, which led to a resurgence in the pandemic. Sound familiar? People promoted bogus cures for the 1918 flu? Sound familiar (hydroxychloroquine, drinking bleach)?
Seriously, do some searching. I was amazed at how little we learned from the 1918 pandemic, and how many of the same mistakes we made with the Covid-19 pandemic.