So far, most businesses here in Ohio (meaning retail and corporate) seem to be requiring masks for the near future, anyway.
My company is allowing voluntary return to the office starting 14 June, but to do that, we have to have our temps checked, wear masks at all times, no in-person meetings, and socially distance. They said over time, they'll relax that a bit, with the idea of eventually returning to normal, as long as the situation warrants it.
I did confirm with my manager that I'm cleared to work from home full time. That was a funny bit of touch-and-go. I had my annual review in early March, and I talked to my manager (Andrew) then, and he said not to worry about it, he'd clear it with the next higher manager (Will).
Then Andrew left two weeks later. I asked him again if he'd cleared that with Will, and he said yep, it's a done deal, you're good.
So for the time-being, Will is my manager, but we've hired a new guy to replace Andrew, and corporate as started talking about a return to the office, so I thought it prudent to check with Will directly, because he's legendary for his extremely poor memory. He's also come down on the side of "there's value to being in the office..." even though he works from home full time.
"Hey, when I had my review two months ago, Andrew ok'd me working from home full time going forward, and when he left two weeks later, he said he cleared it with you. With all the changes, I just want to confirm that."
"He might have, I don't really remember, if he did or not."
<Oh boy, here we go...

"So is that going to be a problem?"
"I guess not. I imagine everyone is going to want to work from home now."