Around here (meaning my town), Kroger hasn't confronted anyone without a mask. They've never had anyone policing the door, and they've never had anyone up front counting people coming in, even though that was the first actual restriction that went into effect, long before masks.Walmart is just going to take people at their word, pretty much. Kroger is just not going to let anyone without a mask in. It's going to cause a lot of confrontation, IMO. I wish we had Kroger here, BTW.
Walmart did a better job overall of projecting an image, at least, of somewhat taking things seriously; one-way lanes, dedicated entrances and exits, and someone at the front counting and someone enforcing masks (and I got to witness some confrontations).
They didn't keep it up too long, maybe 6-8 months, but all Kroger did was post signs saying masks are required and no more than 500 people in the store at one time. They didn't even put social distance stickers on the floor at the checkout lanes.

I'd guess, purely anecdotal, that mask compliance at either place probably approached 90% at the height of the pandemic, and now (I just came from Kroger earlier today), they're at about 70% compliance...including employees.
I figured as soon as Dewine announced restrictions were coming down 2 June and then the CDC announced vaccinated folks are pretty much virus-proof regardless, that the masks would be coming off. I'll bet when I go into Kroger next weekend, it might very well be 50%.