How is the corona virus affecting you?

For some reason I thought you were in a profession involving cars and photography. Didnt know you were in a market research business?

After getting my art degree, I spent the next 15 years working in marketing (not because I wanted to, but because that's where the jobs were), culminating with the position of Marketing Director for a software company. I leaned more about demographics than I ever wanted to know. I didn't enjoy it, but it seems I was good at it.

I just don't see demographics and stereotypes as the same thing. One is science, the other is opinion.

Getting back on topic, and the discussion about immigrants and Covid, Texas has a lot bigger problems with pandemic than immigrants. We have a lot of born and raised "Mercans" who refuse to get vaccinated, and now that restrictions are lifted, they are not going to wear masks or social distance, either.

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My stepson has a cold, my MIL is demanding we get to her so he can get an appointment made to get a corona test. She refuses to call them herself, which would be much better as it wouldn't expose us to possible covid. But my husband has to do everything for his family, so she wants my stepson tested because he might be a risk, but then forces us to expose ourselves to that risk because she doesn't want to make a phone call.

I've already had my first shot, so I am not resisting but it does quietly make me pretty angry that she can't be bothered to make a phone call and therefore might expose us to covid.

Update: I read that pfizer after the first shot already gives at least 70% protection against covid after three weeks, so that's a relief.

Can you not phone on her behalf to make an appointment? Or do you mean she wants someone to take him to an appointment? To be honest, unless he has a dry cough and a temperature its unlikely its Covid although of course anyone can be carrying it without symptoms.

Also, here we can get tests sent for free several times per week. Is there no facility to get a home-test?
Can you not phone on her behalf to make an appointment? Or do you mean she wants someone to take him to an appointment? To be honest, unless he has a dry cough and a temperature its unlikely its Covid although of course anyone can be carrying it without symptoms.

Also, here we can get tests sent for free several times per week. Is there no facility to get a home-test?
We can only phone on his behalf when he is with us - and he currently lives with her. He needs to give the operator permission, but refuses to call anyone himself.

There is no home test facility, you're to pay for them and they are not condidered valid tests by the government. So if the test is positive he needs another test.

But we've been so grinded on about this that we gave in anyway, my MIL said she only saw the neighbours ( their daughter has covid) after they had a negative test yesterday, and as stepson had a cough already they could't be the cause.

We're not worried it's Covid, my MIL was but she thought we should solve it despite stepson living with her. My husband went there today to help out.
Today's UK data. The claim has always bern that you need 70% vaccination or previous infection to get heard immunity. It looks like that theory is about to be tested.
My kid is fine so far.

I have had no fever the whole weekend. None this morning. My nose is still closed, but stuff like that I walk through, no problem.

But with the selfisolation of my kid due to another student's Covid+ test, the headmaster at my work said I should teach online today too. I am fine with that.

I have emailed the official letter to our general p doc. Kid and I have the same doc, so does my ex husband. I asked her for advice, given my vaccination on May 8th, the cold, the light let her as med expert say. And I will do whatever is necessary.

Another student in my kid's class is being tested, she said today.

I hope all of them will be fine, and come out of it unharmed.
Kid ok.

I felt very tired last night, teaching online means looking at a palm size screen and little fingers in the eigth part of the screen for many hours. My eyes are like eh. My neck is like neeh. But grateful online teaching is possible at all.

My nose was still 40% breathable. After verbena fumes now it is 80%.

Headache was strong so I took med.

I felt what I think were my neck lymph nodes. Like activated. I had felt that on day 2 after vacc too. Strange. Read it can get activated after sinuses or any inflammation...then it dissappeared. Any of you noticed similar?

We ordered food and bathroom supplies online with delivery.

Much better this morning.🍀
Our government has problems with the administration of who is vaccinated. I've already had my first shot, and have my second planned on June 3d.

Yet yesterday, I received TWO new invitations on my name and they were absolutely a 100% genuine. So when I've had my second shot, I'll give them a call about this. Not before that, because the corona vaccination line has only two options : plan an appointment, or cancel your current one..
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