Mentioning proof of vaccination...that's another area that shows how disjointed things can be here, because we prefer to delegate as much as possible.
There's no federal digital vaccine record. We get big paper ones that we carry around (easy to counterfeit, but that's another story). The feds have left it up to the states to do that.
My state isn't doing that (yet). They're leaving it up to the vaccine provider to manage. That means my wife, who got her shots at CVS, has a digital record, while I, who got mine at Kroger, do not.
I'm hoping Kroger comes around soon and rolls something out for a digital record. Otherwise, I'm stuck with some dog-eared piece of paper that some places may not even accept as proof.
Latest counts: my state is 47.99% fully vacc'd, my county is 38.05%. It took weeks and weeks and still more weeks to get from 36% to 37%, while 37% to 38% took just two weeks. I'm attributing that to the bump from getting the Pfizer vaccine fully approved.