My 2 cents....
I will try to control myself and not get on a big rant.
Last weekend my Uncle who is only 5 years older than me, found out that his 6 year old grandaughter tested positive for Covid. His daughter is P!SSED. Cameron was infected by a child of antivaxer parents.
Teens have been going behind their parents back trying to get vaccinated. Parents who are objecting to mask mandates for political reasons bring their children to school without mask. The children are left sitting outside of the school.
Ok. I am trying to be calm and reasonable. WHAT THE F@%& IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE WHO CALL THEMSELVES PARENTS?
Not able to remain calm. You all know that I hate profanity. I am using an F bomb.
Deep breath.
My SIL has 2 PHD's. She has spent her life as a medical research scientist. She was VP of Research and Development for a pharmaceutical company in Denver, Co. 3 years ago her company was bought by Pfizer. Her expertise was so valued that she was offer a huge incentive to stay on for 5 years. On one hand Patti is a brilliant woman, on the other hand she is a very down to earth, loving woman who is also a very good home cook.
Last Christmas my brother and his lovely wife, Patti visited us in Louisiana. I had a discussion with my brilliant, scientist SIL about vaccines for Covid. Her lab was not involved in the vaccine R&D. She did tell me that vaccines would be coming soon. She predicted that there would be a political resistance to the vaccine. Her frustration was palatable. Brilliant scientist have been working on a vaccine for a super virus for over 20 years. Scientist have known that a super virus pandemic was on the horizon. The basic premise of the vaccine has been in place for years. Replication of a synthetic RNA of the virus. The science was in place. That is why the vaccine was available as soon as it was.
SIL is beyond herself at the politicalization of vaccinations. She has spent her entire life researching and developing drugs and devices that can save lives. She takes things personally.
After a glass or two of wine we discussed the possibility of research and development of a cure for stupid.
August 2nd G had 3 stents inserted in 2 cardiovascular arteries. His cardiologist is rabid about the ignorance and the politicalization of vaccinations. He has lost patients to Covid who have refused to be vaccinated.
Last week G was on the phone with a friend who has had Covid twice. I told him he was a dumb A$$. Friend said "Yes I am a Dumb A$$. My politics are not worth being this sick."
So much for being calm and not going on a rant.
G has a friend who is a conspiracy theorist. Of course he refuses to get vaccinated because "THEY" say he should. His wife has Crones' Disease. She is immune compromised. I think that if I were married to this man I would seriously question his love of me. He puts his political conspiracy ideology over the well being of his wife.
Sorry all. I do do not agree with vaccine mandates. Counter productive. I do believe in personal responsibility. The media has made this a political issue. Bunk. It is a world health issue.
We will have the booster vaccine as soon as it is available.
So much for not going on a rant.
Thank you all for your patience. Sorry if I offended anyone.