How is the corona virus affecting you?

I get it, we have both here but mostly left. So is this actually not happening and just right wing propaganda?

I'm not politically motivated, both are totally disingenuous as far as I'm concerned and stay clear of political debates when I can. Not sure where you think I'm cherry picking data going against anything......this was just a statement made indicating what the gov't was doing according to this news release.
I'm not saying you are, Garlichead, but the news source. No worries.

I too prefer to not dish on politics, but I do think that in this day and age we need to consider our sources more than ever, as misinformation is being weaponized.

I wish you the best, and am not meaning anything against you personally by this, or my prior post.
The slippery slope.

As everyone knows, I like science and I've suggested that people get vaccinated, but does that mean I by default believe that this mandate is justified. There is a very large segment of the population that is pro vaccine that are anti-mandate and I'm one of those people. There will be a disease, and there will be a vaccine and there will be people in power to administer a logical defense, but not with this disease, and not with these vaccines and certainly not with these authorities. We also have the flipside of that coin where people that have no problem with the mandate but don't want to be vaccinated under these circumstances. At the Beginning of this pandemic we looked up to our first line workers, they were taking the risk of death to look after all the rest of us and now we're firing Doctors, nurses, firemen, police all in the guise of safety. Well, when you go down the road to safety for a society we give up some freedom and that's a road you don't want to go down, because you generally get the opposite of what you thought you were going to get and rarely get the freedom back intact.

Ah, the old "slippery slope." I have found that argument to almost always be a reach, at best.

I look back on my grandparents generation. They made a lot of personal sacrifices for the good of the country as a whole. The made sacrifices to win WW2. They made sacrifices to get us through the Great Depression. The only way we can defeat this coronavirus is to get almost everyone vaccinated. We all need to pitch in.

I also look at the hypocrisy of the loudest "freedom fighters" who say "It's my body, it's my choice -- at least when it comes to vaccines." When it comes to a woman who gets pregnant, it's a different story. Her body belongs to them. Texas is anti-vac mandate, anti mask mandate, because of individual freedom. But, abortion here is virtually banned, thanks to some clever legislating designed to get around Roe v Wade.

Another hypocrisy is that Texas is "the State of low taxes, and low regulation on business." But, if a private business wants to require vaccinations, the Governor says NO!!!

As for medical professionals, My sister is a Registered Nurse of 39 years. Her view on nurses having a "right" to not get vaccinated are simple, "You work in a hospital, around sick people, you could kill one of them by refusing the cover vaccine!" Medical professionals are required to get annual flu shots, and nobody seems to mind that.

It is almost 100-percent political in the US. If President Biden wants mandates, then mandates are bad, because Biden is a socialist who stole the election. It has nothing to do with medical science, and barely anything to do with "freedom." It's all about "They are in favor of it, so I must oppose it."

That's how I see it, anyway.

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BTW, a nurse at my sister's hospital refused to get the Covid vaccine, which is not currently mandated at that hospital. She died last month... of Covid.

Press conference for the new Corona virus measures will be tonight at 19.00

Masking mandate, more venues using the Corona pass and restrictions on events are expected. Still no talk of a booster shot. I will update after the press conference tonight.
I keep having to cancel the dentist, this will be the 7th time this year because I have a runny nose and stuff due to Asthma.
Even with a negative test they won't admit you. I understand but it's so frustrating, especially because I need some stuff tended to.
I keep having to cancel the dentist, this will be the 7th time this year because I have a runny nose and stuff due to Asthma.
Even with a negative test they won't admit you. I understand but it's so frustrating, especially because I need some stuff tended to.
tell me about it.
I know I've been exceptionally lucky especially to be able to get my hip op done. a friend of my mum's in the UK has just had her hip replaced (8 days ago). she had to pay to go privately to get it done. she's padding to go privately again in February to get her knee done as well.

hubby really summed it up though yesterday when we were outside having one of my physio walks. he sneezed, a sneeze that echoed and rebounded off the landscape sounding like a gunshot. 'at least I can sneeze in peace out here'. yep. I know I hate going out in public now because of my asthma. I cough constantly, always have done. I've a runny nose because the hawthorn is in flower here, and I've got dry eyes (that's just age I'm told)...
I've started to answer the have you got any of the following symptom questions differently. nothing I haven't always had. no change to normal. I've answered yes before now and been made to feel like an alien... suddenly a telephone consult was available when I'd been told I would have to come in face to face because I can't do video conferencing (bandwidth issues on mobile phone and time lag issues on satellite broadband)...

I had even more fun the time I was going to a respiratory consultant appointment in hospital and the respiratory lab tests needed me not to take my asthma medication for 48 hrs before the appointment!
tell me about it.
I know I've been exceptionally lucky especially to be able to get my hip op done. a friend of my mum's in the UK has just had her hip replaced (8 days ago). she had to pay to go privately to get it done. she's padding to go privately again in February to get her knee done as well.

hubby really summed it up though yesterday when we were outside having one of my physio walks. he sneezed, a sneeze that echoed and rebounded off the landscape sounding like a gunshot. 'at least I can sneeze in peace out here'. yep. I know I hate going out in public now because of my asthma. I cough constantly, always have done. I've a runny nose because the hawthorn is in flower here, and I've got dry eyes (that's just age I'm told)...
I've started to answer the have you got any of the following symptom questions differently. nothing I haven't always had. no change to normal. I've answered yes before now and been made to feel like an alien... suddenly a telephone consult was available when I'd been told I would have to come in face to face because I can't do video conferencing (bandwidth issues on mobile phone and time lag issues on satellite broadband)...

I had even more fun the time I was going to a respiratory consultant appointment in hospital and the respiratory lab tests needed me not to take my asthma medication for 48 hrs before the appointment!

Looks like you're worse off than me, because at least I have moments of reprieve. But they always seem to be when I don't need to go somewhere.

And I do what you do too, not call in when the symptoms are the same as normal. My doctors recommended that. But a runny nose seems to be the line I can't cross, because it makes them feel unsafe. I get it, but it's so much unnecessary hassle to get any appointment done now.

If the pandemic continous I hope they will just add an option to explain your respatory illness on such forms, so they can base their decision on that instead of just general rules
I'm not saying you are, Garlichead, but the news source. No worries.

I too prefer to not dish on politics, but I do think that in this day and age we need to consider our sources more than ever, as misinformation is being weaponized.

I wish you the best, and am not meaning anything against you personally by this, or my prior post.
No worries. I find it difficult to find any news source that doesn't lean one way or the other. I just thought it was interesting considering the extent of the lockdowns in AUS. Turns out it's true.
Ah, the old "slippery slope." I have found that argument to almost always be a reach, at best.

I look back on my grandparents generation. They made a lot of personal sacrifices for the good of the country as a whole. The made sacrifices to win WW2. They made sacrifices to get us through the Great Depression. The only way we can defeat this coronavirus is to get almost everyone vaccinated. We all need to pitch in.

I also look at the hypocrisy of the loudest "freedom fighters" who say "It's my body, it's my choice -- at least when it comes to vaccines." When it comes to a woman who gets pregnant, it's a different story. Her body belongs to them. Texas is anti-vac mandate, anti mask mandate, because of individual freedom. But, abortion here is virtually banned, thanks to some clever legislating designed to get around Roe v Wade.

Another hypocrisy is that Texas is "the State of low taxes, and low regulation on business." But, if a private business wants to require vaccinations, the Governor says NO!!!

As for medical professionals, My sister is a Registered Nurse of 39 years. Her view on nurses having a "right" to not get vaccinated are simple, "You work in a hospital, around sick people, you could kill one of them by refusing the cover vaccine!" Medical professionals are required to get annual flu shots, and nobody seems to mind that.

It is almost 100-percent political in the US. If President Biden wants mandates, then mandates are bad, because Biden is a socialist who stole the election. It has nothing to do with medical science, and barely anything to do with "freedom." It's all about "They are in favor of it, so I must oppose it."

That's how I see it, anyway.

I agree the politics in the US is a mess and it's a Country divided. This pandemic is far from over and what may sound logical today will, as it has been from the beginning, will be hindsight and playing catch up. You can't play the mandate game to catch up. Soon the nurses that spread the virus and kill patients will be one's that are double vaxxed because they fired the ones that weren't. And it will happen and suspect it's happening already. Approx 20% of the deaths and infections from Covid are now from people that are double vaxxed and much higher in Israel for example. Isreal had around a 90% double vaxxed population long before everyone else. The big infection spike in Israel recently was from the mostly double vaxxed population as were the deaths. We also have Countries and Provinces like mine for example that are mostly open as of recently and expect to remove all measures by the spring. We'll see.

I think Phifer just announced it's vaccines for 5yr olds was approved and they described it as "safe". WTF. Safe is not in the language of science, only facts and there will be side effects for our 5 yrs olds just as there are for the rest that are vaccinated. I find this totally irresponsible on so many levels. Keep moving along nothing to see here.....
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The only way we can defeat this coronavirus is to get almost everyone vaccinated. We all need to pitch in.

That's how I see it, anyway.

That is the belief because that's what we've been told, but that's not how it works CD. Like I said Israel is a good example of why that doesn't work. What we need to reduce was and still is, the reproduction rate, which is done through herd immunity. And the main stumbling block why vaccines are not the answer is the basic waning efficacy for protection and the ability to circumnavigate the planet within a day by any person on the planet. So while a Country can protect itself by closing borders and double vaccination it's entire population it is for all intense and purposes a time bomb when they reopen. that scenario is unfolding now. Or countries that did a good job with few infections during the beginning of the pandemic who are now in dire straights like quite a few of the eastern European countries. What we have instead is justification for any measure to prevent even 1 death, because as we've heard, even 1 death is 1 too many and therefore any measure to prevent that is somehow justified. The collateral damage is astronomical and makes me weep for the people that it's effected the most when a lot could have been prevented from a little critical thinking in the beginning and the resolve that people die in a pandemic. Sorry for the rant.
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Finally! Everyone who wants it is going to be eligible for booster shots from the end of january onwards. Better late than never!
I will get mine ASAP. Still annoying it will take that long.. but ok I guess

Other measures:
- Masks and social distancing come back
- Corona pass for all public venues
- Work at home at least 50% of the time

12 november might bring a light lockdown if things don't improve
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I got my Pfizer booster shot yesterday. They are currently recommended for seniors and people with underlying conditions in the US, but in reality, anyone who wants one can get one. I got mine at a local CVS Pharmacy, and it was free (under my insurance plan).

we've been told 6 months after getting the 2nd shot here... which makes my booster due 3 days before Christmas and a few more days before my weeding anniversary, and another few before my birthday. I might leave it until the New Year unless things kick off again in Sydney. we're due in Sydney at a fully vegan hotel for our wedding anniversary....
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