My feeling is, if people don't want to get vaxxed, fine, don't get vaxxed. If they die, they die. But, if you work for ME, in my place of business, don't bother coming to work. Go find another job. But no, we can't have that. That's not "fair" to the anti-vaxxers. They have the "right" to come into my workplace and spread Covid. That's what I hear from people like these so called "freedom truckers." "I can do whatever I want, and you have to accept it. Otherwise, I'm going to shut down your businesses, and blow my horns at night, until I get what I want."
That's my issue with what's going on, not only in Canada, but in the USA. Who is dividing us, the majority who are doing their part to minimize the impact of Covid on society, or the minority who are demanding that we kiss their... feet?
I didn't just get vaccinated for my own good, I got vaccinated for the good of everyone around me. The anti-vaxxers are telling me, i don't care about you, I want what I want, and you better give it to me. Me, me, me, me me.
My grandparents generation, who made BIG sacrifices for the common good during WWII and the Great Depression, certainly more than getting a few little shots, are probably rolling in their graves.