Ice ice baby...

I don't just enjoy cold water and mixed drinks with ice. I'm clumsy at times and if I burn myself or twist my ankle or give myself another injury that causes swelling, it's great to have ice on hand.
I don’t like ice in my drinks either. I do use them a fair bit in the sink for cooling things down fast to stop them cooking.
I don’t like ice in my drinks either. I do use them a fair bit in the sink for cooling things down fast to stop them cooking.
I can't imagine a rum and coke with no ice...I think you like gin and tonic? Without ice though? To each their own!

The only non-alcoholic drinks I really drink are hot tea and coffee other than water, but I like water with crushed ice (it gets really hot here in the summer--it's going to 90F/32C today).
gets really hot here in the summer--it's going to 90F/32C today
Oh wow. That is the heat that can take any chilled drink or ice cubes in it.
You and me both🥵, we had 35c today, but luckily around 6pm it clouded, and rained, and is now much more enjoyable.
Oh wow. That is the heat that can take any chilled drink or ice cubes in it.
You and me both🥵, we had 35c today, but luckily around 6pm it clouded, and rained, and is now much more enjoyable.
Do you live near water? We are about 2 blocks from a lake and there are many lakes, streams, and a few rivers in our region so it gets really humid...hoping you don't have the humidity we do. Makes it worse, blech.
Good idea!
I think I used ice water for blanching almonds. Peeling tomatoes.
But not that often, twice a year?
For pasta I use cold tap water...

Any specific items ice water is particularly good for?
I have heard of people "shocking" broccoli and asparagus (and probably other green vegetables) in ice water to keep them from changing to a dull green...
Oh you too have a lake nearby? Yes, we do live near water. A river, a lake , both.
I was never very good at estimating humidity, and usually I just spot the rain forecast, if any, skipping the wind, humidity, pressure data...

But for some reason I feel it was quite a heavy day today. It may be the humidity or the upcoming change of weather...
No ice thankyou. Assuming the cola or the tonic has been refrigerated that’s plenty cold enough.
If it hasn’t then.. what sort of establishment is this?! 😂
That was one of the major things American service members were taught to expect when ordering pop/fizzy drinks in the UK - don’t expect ice (and don’t ask for it).

The problem was the refrigeration - just anecdotal, but I found ordering a Coke in the UK, regardless of the establishment, resulted in getting a room temp drink maybe 70% of the time. Sometimes, even the refrigerators at the food shops were less than ideal, barely chilling anything.

It could be cultural that way, too, though, because I do know that a lot of us like our drinks to be teeth-numbing cold. I’m drinking a seltzer-and-lemon right now, single serve can, and I’m using nine (that’s right, nine) large ice cubes…and that can was straight from the 44F fridge.
No ice thankyou. Assuming the cola or the tonic has been refrigerated that’s plenty cold enough.
If it hasn’t then.. what sort of establishment is this?! 😂 house?

My refrigerator is always pretty much packed with food, not room to keep beverages (other than beer) in it. We do need a secondary refrigerator. We have one in the garage that broke because a certain young lady who is related to us came over to help herself to some of our groceries while we were out of town on vacation a few years ago (without telling us) and she left the door open, so all the meat in the freezer thawed and rotted, and the compressor or whatever it is fried. We need to get it moved out but that's hubby's area, not mine. So meanwhile we suffer with warm mixers and ice cubes, which really is fine.
That was one of the major things American service members were taught to expect when ordering pop/fizzy drinks in the UK - don’t expect ice (and don’t ask for it).

The problem was the refrigeration - just anecdotal, but I found ordering a Coke in the UK, regardless of the establishment, resulted in getting a room temp drink maybe 70% of the time. Sometimes, even the refrigerators at the food shops were less than ideal, barely chilling anything.

It could be cultural that way, too, though, because I do know that a lot of us like our drinks to be teeth-numbing cold. I’m drinking a seltzer-and-lemon right now, single serve can, and I’m using nine (that’s right, nine) large ice cubes…and that can was straight from the 44F fridge.
There certainly used to be a cultural element to it.
The rare American that appeared in a pub donkeys ago would always complain at volume (due to the shock) that the beer was warm 😂
My Pa would often bang on about how the Americans were right and cold beer was better than warm and what was wrong with people here!

Now it’s hard to be served things without ice, the glass is filled with it even if you ask for none. I often have to find a fork n fish it out.
I don’t like it because the colder something is the less you can taste it. Plus if I’m in sipping mode by the time I’m towards the bottom of the glass it’s all watery and that is a gin sin!

Cold from the fridge yes, ice nope, run along you watery destroyer of flavour 😆 house?

My refrigerator is always pretty much packed with food, not room to keep beverages (other than beer) in it. We do need a secondary refrigerator. We have one in the garage that broke because a certain young lady who is related to us came over to help herself to some of our groceries while we were out of town on vacation a few years ago (without telling us) and she left the door open, so all the meat in the freezer thawed and rotted, and the compressor or whatever it is fried. We need to get it moved out but that's hubby's area, not mine. So meanwhile we suffer with warm mixers and ice cubes, which really is fine.
I’d be straight onto buying another. I dislike the way warm mixer’s and ice give you a mouthful of some icey and some warm drink.
Well I say dislike, I’d certainly drink and several more it but it wouldn’t be my optimum.
right now in our house we 2 refriderators with freezer's and 2 chest deep freezer's and just yesterday we were talking about buying another deep freeze bigger than the ones we already have
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