If you could have only 1 item for breakfast, what would it be?

If we are including beverages (I always think that's a strange word), then I will say tea. I always have tea in the morning. The stronger the better.
Last night's curry is cheating as it contains more than one thing (that would be like me saying Kedgeree). I do agree though!
how's that any different from cereal? That contains a whole load of things as well.. Plus we have porridge as an answer... Dry porridge oats? Yuck! Can't include water for 1 item only :ohmy:
@Corzhens Absoultely you are right that they said that an egg is already considered as a complete meal and that is also I knew since I was a little kid. An egg had a good quality protein that will keep us to stay being full longer even we do not eat a heavy breakfast. That is why this is always my choice for a one item breakfast and it is just easy to cook and to eat.
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That's cheating! Only one item allowed.. you have to ditch either the toast or the scrambled egg. :happy:
Oh that could be boring. Alright for the sake of staying on topic I would have to keep the fluffy scrambled eggs. I wonder what would I pair it with now.
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