If you could have only 1 item for breakfast, what would it be?

If I can't have milk or water in my porridge ,you can't have any thing to cook your eggs in

You could scramble the eggs (no added butter or seasoning, though).

If I'm not allowed water to cook the seafood then only kippers and oysters remain on my table.

But that's OK. Oysters it is! Yipeee... :D
Nobody except @classic33 has mentioned fruit, which in a way, is an obvious choice. And very healthy!
Yet, but if you don't like bananas, fruit is actually not that filling and full of sugar!

I think I'll settle fora bag of cashew nuts. I can cycle for miles and miles on those and they don't need anything else with them! Otherwise it is proper dates, unpitted dates of a named variety! I just love them. Sugar, fibre, flavour and filling!
Im all right. I can have scrambled egg. If not, then like SNSSO I'll have a handful of peanuts or cashew nuts.
Dry porridge oats? Yuck! Can't include water for 1 item only :ohmy:

When having oats, one would have to add milk and maybe sugar. When I said oat flakes or oatmeal would be my choice, I was not thinking of eating them alone without added milk or sugar. So, i would still rate the final thing as one item. Also, having a cup of coffee or tea, one would want to add milk or sugar as the case may be. But the cup of coffee or tea would go as one breakfast item. That is the way I was thinking.
yep - last night's curry is back on the menu with that logic!
But then so would (the remains of) a 7, 8, 9, 10 (etc) course meal be if it was written down on a menu first and you had attempted to eat it the night before... :confused:
I guess the rule has to be that its served as one helping, in a bowl (well that's how I do it!).
I do like my oatmeal for breakfast, I am not an egg eater and I like cold cereal if I do not have any oatmeal.
I would pick cereal. There is so many options you would never get bored. There's hot cereals like cream of wheat and then all the cold cereals. You could have dry cereal, maybe even with chocolate milk to mix it up.
If I picked cereal I would still get coffee right??
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